Students choose gain a total of 30 credits over two annual blocs; ideally they should aim for 15 credits per bloc. The list of possible courses is below; however, they should not be part of the compulsory courses for the major.
30 crédits
Content:Enseignements obligatoiresStudents must get between 21 and 25 credits. To do this, they are required to include in their minor programme : - 2 units of general teaching (10 credits) - 1 unit of teaching in the field of anthropology (3 to 5 credits) - 1 unit of teaching in the field of creation (3 or 5 credits) - 1 Campus (5 credits)Units of general teaching (10 credits)LCCR1210 Theory and Cultural PracticeLCCR1211 Analyse de pratiques culturellesFR
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Véronique Bragard
> Martin Buysse
> Sarah Sepulchre
Véronique Bragard, Martin Buysse , Sarah Sepulchre
Units of teaching in the field of anthropologyOne course from :
LFILO1170 Philosophical anthropologyLPSP1332 Cultural and social anthropologyFR
q2 22.5h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jean-Luc Brackelaire
> Séverine Lagneaux (compensates Olivier Servais)
Jean-Luc Brackelaire, Séverine Lagneaux (compensates Olivier Servais)
LPOLS1225 Social and cultural anthropologyLPSP1213 Development, environment and cultureUnits of teaching in the field of creationOne course from :
q1+q2 5 credits
LPSP1333 Psychology of CreativityLPSP1338 Psychology of religionCampus (5 credits)Since these courses are organized in small groups, students wishing to join must seek the agreement of the lecturer in charge of the course before enrolling. One course from :
LCCR1212 Campus Artist in ResidenceLCCR1213 Campus Artist in ResidenceFR
q1+q2 30h 5 credits
LMUSI1509 Campus operaLMUSI1510 Campus operaLCCR1214 Campus littératureLCCR1215 Campus cinémaLCCR1216 Campus théâtreOptional courses :Les étudiants qui souhaitent proposer une autre unité d'enseignement avec une composante culturelle doivent adresser une lettre de motivation au Responsable académique de la Mineure qui la soumettra à la Commission de gestion de la Mineure. L'étudiant peut choisir une activité supplémentaire au sein du bloc d'unités d'enseignement « Campus », en lieu et place d'unités d'enseignement présentées dans les cours au choix
LiteratureLROM1323 Belgian Francophone LiteratureLEURO1202 Political ideas and values in EuropeLFIAL1550A Theory of LiteratureArtsFR
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Anne Dubois (compensates Ralph Dekoninck)
> Ingrid Falque
Anne Dubois (compensates Ralph Dekoninck), Ingrid Falque
LRELI1368 Art and ReligionMusicLMUSI1511 Arts and civilisations: music historyFR
q1 15h 5 credits
LMUSI1552 Philosophy of musicFR
q1 22.5h 5 credits
LMUSI1554 History of pop-rock musicHistoryLCOPS1113 Modern and Contemporary HistoryFR
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Emmanuel Debruyne (coord.)
> Gilles Lecuppre
> Silvia Mostaccio
Emmanuel Debruyne (coord.), Gilles Lecuppre , Silvia Mostaccio
LSC2004 Evolution et hominisationFR
q2 15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jean-Paul Dehoux
> Caroline Nieberding
Jean-Paul Dehoux, Caroline Nieberding
LRELI1320 Introduction to the History of ReligionsMediasLCOMU1312 Technologies and CommunicationLRELI1264 Religions and MediaExpression corporelleCes cours étant organisés en groupes restreints, les étudiants intéressés doivent demander l'accord du titulaire du ou des cours choisi(s) avant de s'y inscrire.
LEDPH1003 Fundementals of expression activitiesLEDPH1021 Expression