1st annual unitContent:Architectural project
q1+q2 240h 20 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jean-Luc Capron
> Michèle De Myttenaere
> Marie-Christine Raucent
> Ariane Van Craen
> Guénola Vilet
Jean-Luc Capron
Expression, representation and communicationFR
q1 15h+22.5h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Thierry Delcommune
> Jerome Malevez
Thierry Delcommune
q2 15h+22.5h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Thierry Delcommune
> Jerome Malevez
Thierry Delcommune
q1+q2 90h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Michèle De Myttenaere
> Joelle Houdé
> Jerome Malevez
> Manuel Perez Perez
> Marie-Christine Raucent
Michèle De Myttenaere
Méthodologie et rechercheLBARC1105 Introduction to architectureFR
q1 30h+15h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Cécile Chanvillard
> Christine Fontaine
Cécile Chanvillard
Context and cultureLBARC1102 Architectural theory : introductionMaterials, structure and constructionLBARC1143 Mathematics - geometryFR
q1 15h+30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Martin Buysse
> Marielle Cherpion
Martin Buysse
LBARC1144 Mathematics - calculusFR
q2 15h+30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Martin Buysse
> Marielle Cherpion
Martin Buysse
Pratique professionnelleLanguagesLBARC1123 English IFR
q2 20h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Frédéric Declercq
> Carlo Lefevre
Frédéric Declercq
2nd annual unitContent:Architectural project
q1+q2 240h 20 creditsEmilie Bechet
q2 45h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Marie-Hélène Bulté
> Marie-Christine Raucent
> Pascale Van de Kerchove
> Guénola Vilet
Marie-Hélène Bulté
Expression, representation and communicationFR
q2 60h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Francesco Cipolat
> Joelle Houdé
> Manuel Perez Perez
Francesco Cipolat
Context and cultureLBARC1203 Architectural theory : TheoriesFR
q1 30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
Pierre Vanderstraeten
Pierre Vanderstraeten
LBARC1243 PhilosophyMaterials, structure and constructionLBARC1260 Building physicsLBARC1261 Structural analysis 2FR
q1 22.5h+45h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Yvette Pelsser
> Jean-François Rondeaux
Yvette Pelsser
LBARC1263 Materiality and representationPratique professionnelleLanguagesLBARC1228 English II -
3rd annual unitContent:Architectural project
q1+q2 240h 20 creditsGilles Debrun
LBARC1307 In-depth project : territoryFR
q1 45h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Roselyne de Lestrange
> Gilles Debrun
> Julie Denef
> Philippe Honhon
> Gregoire Wuillaume
Roselyne de Lestrange
Expression, representation and communicationFR
q1 60h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Joelle Houdé
> Jerome Malevez
> Manuel Perez Perez
Joelle Houdé
Context and cultureLBARC1343 Restoration theoryFR
q1 20h+15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Damien Claeys
> David Vandenbroucke
Damien Claeys
q1 30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Roselyne de Lestrange
> Julie Denef
Roselyne de Lestrange
LBARC1344 Socio-anthropology : inhabiting spaceMaterials, structure and constructionLBARC1360 Building mechanical systems and comfortFR
q1 40h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Magali Bodart
> Geoffrey Van Moeseke
Magali Bodart
LBARC1361 Structural Design 1Pratique professionnelleLBARC1380 InternshipLanguagesLBARC1323 English 3Cours aux choix bloc3 Q2L'étudiant.e inscrit.e en bachelier à Tournai choisira 3 crédits de cours au choix au Q2. L'étudiant.e inscrit.e en bachelier à Bruxelles choisira 6 crédits de cours au choix au Q2. Les cours peuvent être choisis à Bruxelles ou à Tournai.LBARC1303 In-depth project : heritageFR
q2 45h 3 creditsJoelle Houdé
LBARC1325 ExpressionLTARC1327 In situ : LempsFR
q2 45h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Pierre Accarain
> Eric Van Overstraeten
Pierre Accarain
LBARC1366 Sustainable architectureLTARC1367 Architecture and materialityLBARC1347 Current landscapes seminarLBARC1346 Designing with lightLTARC1325 History of modern and contemporary art