Supplementary classes

To access  this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, they must add supplementary classes at the beginning of their Master’s programme in order to obtain the prerequisites for these studies.

> Légende
Mandatory Optional
Course not taught in 2020-2021 Periodic course not taught in 2020-2021
Periodic course taught in 2020-2021 Activity with prerequisites
Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...)
Optional Cours de base
Optional En économie
en fonction des connaissances de départ, au moins un cours parmi :
Optional LECGE1212 Macroeconomics   Etienne De Callatay
, Hélène Latzer (compensates Fabio Mariani)
45h+15h  5 credits q1
Optional LECGE1222 Microeconomics   Johannes Johnen
, Arastou Khatibi
, François Maniquet
45h+15h  5 credits q1 or q2
Optional LECGE1115 Political Economics  
au Q1 avec P. Dehez
Rigas Oikonomou
, Gonzague Vannoorenberghe
45h+15h  5 credits q1
Optional En statistiques
en fonction des connaissances de départ tout ou partie de :
Optional LECGE1224 Economics and Management Statistics   Cédric Heuchenne
30h+15h  5 credits q2
Optional LECGE1316 Econometrics   Muriel Dejemeppe
30h+15h  5 credits q1
Optional LECGE1335 Applied Econometrics   Sébastien Van Bellegem
30h+15h  5 credits q2
Optional LCOPS1114 Statistics and Bases of Probability Theory   Marie-Paule Kestemont
30h+30h  5 credits q1
Optional En méthodes mathématiques
en fonction des connaissances de départ tout ou partie de :
Optional LECGE1112 Mathematics in economy and management   Pascal Lambrechts
, Mathieu Van Vyve
45h+30h  6 credits q1
Optional LECGE1230 Mathematics in Economics and Management II   Pieter Klaessens
45h+30h  6 credits q1
Optional LECGE1333 Game theory and information in economics   Vincent Vannetelbosch
30h+10h  5 credits q2
Optional Cours spécifiques
en fonction des connaissances de départ, un, deux ou trois cours parmi :
Optional LECGE1121 Economic and Social History  
au Q1 chez JM Yante
Emmanuel Debruyne
30h  4 credits q1
Optional LECGE1216 Growth and Development   David De La Croix
30h  5 credits q1
Optional LECGE1217 History of Economic Theories   Luca Pensieroso
30h  5 credits q2
Optional LECGE1228 Regional Economics   Joseph Gomes
30h+10h  5 credits q2
Optional LECGE1312 Public Economics   Jean Hindriks
30h+15h  5 credits q2
Optional LECGE1330 Industrial organization   Paul Belleflamme
30h+15h  5 credits q1
Optional LECGE1331 European Economy   Xavier Debrun
30h+15h  5 credits q2
Optional Séminaire
en fonction des connaissances de départ, un parmi :
Optional LECGE1226 Seminar-workshop: Labour Economics   Muriel Dejemeppe
30h+10h  5 credits q2
Optional LECGE1227 Seminar-workshop: International Economics and European Integration   Vincent Bodart
30h+10h  5 credits q2
Optional LECGE1232 Seminar: Development and Poverty   William Parienté
30h+10h  5 credits q2
Optional LECGE1323 Seminar-Workshop: Industrial Economics and Competition Policy   Marc Van Audenrode
30h+10h  5 credits q2
Optional LECGE1324 Seminar-workshop: Social Economy and Transition   Philippe Roman (compensates Marthe Nyssens)
30h+10h  5 credits q2
Optional LECGE1334 Seminar International Economy : trade   Gonzague Vannoorenberghe
30h+10h  5 credits q2