Course prerequisites

The table below lists the activities (course units, or CUs) for which there are one or more prerequisites within the programme, i.e. the programme CU for which the learning outcomes must be certified and the corresponding credits awarded by the jury before registering for that CU.

These activities are also identified in the detailed programme: their title is followed by a yellow square.

Prerequisites and student's annual programme

As the prerequisite is for CU registration puposes only, there are no prerequisites within a programme year. Prerequisites are defined between CUs of different years and therefore influence the order in which the student will be able to register for the programme's CUs.

In addition, when the jury validates a student's individual programme at the beginning of the year, it ensures its coherence, meaning that it may:

  • transform a prerequisite into a corequisite within the same year (to enable the student to continue his or her studies with a sufficient annual course load)
  • require the student to combine registration in two separate CUs which it considers necessary from a pedagogical point of view.

For more information, please consult the Academic Regulations and Procedures (

# Prerequisities list
LANG1862 "English: reading and listening comprehension of scientific texts" has prerequisite(s) LANG1861
LANG1863 "Anglais interactif pour étudiants en sciences (niveau intermédiaire+)" has prerequisite(s) LANG1861 ET LANG1862
LBIO1213 "Morphologie et physiologie des mycètes" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1111 ET LBIO1117
LBIO1217 "Ecologie II" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1117
LBIO1221 "Genetics" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1111 ET LANG1861
LBIO1223 "Biologie moléculaire" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1111
LBIO1230 "Biologie des invertébrés" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1112
LBIO1234A "Histologie animale" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1111 ET LBIO1112
LBIO1235 "Physiologie cellulaire générale" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1111 ET LBIO1112
LBIO1236 "Biologie animale intégrée : coordination, perception et locomotion" has prerequisite(s) LCHM1141B ET LBIO1111 ET LBIO1112
LBIO1240 "Physiologie végétale" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1112
LBIO1242 "Développement, reproduction et systématique des angiospermes" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1112
LBIO1282 "Gestion et exploration des données biologiques" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1116
LBIO1283 "Principes de statistiques et analyse des données biologiques" has prerequisite(s) LMAT1101 ET LMAT1102
LBIO1310 "Evolution biologique" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1110
LBIO1311 "Microbiologie et virologie" has prerequisite(s) LCHM1141B ET LBIO1111 ET LBIO1112 ET LCHM1242 ET LCHM1271A ET LCHM1371B
LBIO1317 "Functional ecology" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1117 ET LBIO1223
LBIO1323 "Signalisation moléculaire" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1111 ET LBIO1223
LBIO1330 "Biologie animale intégrée : reproduction et développement" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1111 ET LBIO1112 ET LBIO1234A
LBIO1333 "Biologie animale intégrée : circulation, respiration, digestion et excrétion" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1234A
LBIO1343 "Morphogenèse végétale : contrôle génétique" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1112 ET LBIO1240 ET LBIO1242 ET LBIO1221
LBIO1344 "Diversité végétale et principes physiologiques des interactions végétales" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1112 ET LBIO1240
LBIO1355 "Spéciation : origines de la biodiversité" has prerequisite(s) LBIO1110
LBIO1383 "Méthodes statistiques appliquées à la biologie" has prerequisite(s) LMAT1101 ET LMAT1102 ET LBIO1282 ET LBIO1283
LCHM1242 "Chimie bio-organique" has prerequisite(s) LCHM1111B ET LCHM1141B
LCHM1271A "Eléments de biochimie" has prerequisite(s) LCHM1111B ET LCHM1141B
LCHM1371B "Metabolic biochemistry - cours et labo" has prerequisite(s) LCHM1111B ET LCHM1141B ET LBIO1111
LPHY1103 "Compléments de physique" has prerequisite(s) LPHY1101
LVETE1300 "Integrated Seminars" has prerequisite(s) LANG1861 ET LANG1862