1.Demonstrate mastery of a solid body of knowledge in basic science and engineering science allowing the student to learn and solve problems pertaining to electro-mechanics. (Axis 1)
1. Identify and use concepts, laws and appropriate reasoning from a variety of fields in mechanics and electricity to solve a given problem:
- Electricity (in the broad sense)
- Electrical energy (transport, quality, management)
- Electro-technics (conversion, controls, activation)
- Electronics (digital electronics, instrumentation)
- Computer sciences (real time)
- Mechanics (modeling, design)
- Thermodynamics and thermics
2. Identify and use modelling and calculation tools to solve problems associated with the aforementioned fields.
3. Verify problem solving results especially with regard to orders of magnitude and/or units (in which the results are expressed).
2.Organize and carry out an applied engineering process to develop a product and/or service responding to a particular need or problem in the field of electro-mechanics. (Axis 2)
1. Analyse a problem, take stock of features and constraints, and formulate specifications in a field where the technical and economic limits are taken into account.
2. Model a problem and design one or more technical solutions (drawing on the fields of mechanics, electrics, electronics or information technology) and respond to problem specifications.
3. Evaluate and classify solutions with regards to all the specification criteria: efficiency, feasibility, ergonomic quality and environmental security (for example: too expensive, too complex, too dangerous, too difficult to manipulate).
4. Test a solution using a mock up, a prototype or a numerical model.
5. Formulate recommendations to improve a technical solution.
3.Organise and carryout a research project to learn about a physical phenomenon or a new problem relating to the field of electro-mechanics. (Axis 3)
1. Document and summarise the existing body of knowledge in the field of mechanics and electricity.
2. Suggest an experimental model or device (for example in the area of thermal regulation) by first constructing a mathematical model, then by using laboratories to create a device simulates system behaviour and tests relevant hypotheses.
3. Synthesize conclusions in a report that shows the key parameters and their influence on the behaviour of the phenomenon under study (choice of forms and materials, physio-chemical environment, conditions for use).
4.Contribute, through teamwork, to a multidisciplinary project and carry out the project while taking into account its objectives, resources, and constraints. (Axis 4)
1. Frame and explain the project’s objectives taking into account the issues and constraints that characterise the project’s environment.
2. Collaborate with peers on a multidisciplinary topic (mechanics and electricity) to create a work schedule (and resolve any resulting conflicts).
3. Make team decisions to successfully complete the project whether they be about technical solutions of the division of labour.
5.Communicate effectively (speaking or writing in French or a foreign language) with the goal of carrying out assigned projects. (Axis 5)
1. Identify the clients’ needs: question, listen and ensure the understanding of all the dimensions of the request and not just the technical aspects.
2. Present your arguments and convince your interlocutors (technicians, colleagues, clients, superiors) by adopting their language.
3. Communicate through graphics and diagrams: interpret a diagram, present work results, structure information.
4. Read and analyse different technical documents related to the profession (standards, drawings, specifications).
5. Draft written documents that take into account contextual requirements and social conventions.
6. Use modern communication techniques to give convincing oral presentations.
6.Display rigour, openness, and critical thinking; validate the socio-technical relevance of a hypothesis or a solution, all the while drawing upon available technological and scientific innovations. (Axis 6)
1. Apply standards and assure the robustness of a solution in the fields of mechanics and electricity.
2. Put solutions into perspective by including non-technical concerns (for example, in the area of energy and climate, take environmental and social factors into consideration).
3. Demonstrate critical thinking vis-à-vis technical solutions.
4. Evaluate one’s own work.