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Study programme 2014-2015

Teaching and training

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Students choose option courses worth 15 credits.

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Optionnal Teaching

Option course recommended for students taking the teaching focus. Students who elect to take one or more teaching courses in another discipline (other than French or Latin) will not be awarded a full qualification but may nevertheless teach these other subjects. However, as far as French and Latin are concerned, the full qualification will be awarded.  

Optionnal LROM2317 Seminar on research methodology for French as a foreign or second language   Silvia Lucchini 15h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LROM2318 Seminar on the research methodology of French as a first language   Jean-Louis Dufays 15h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LROM2610 Analysis of linguistic phenomena and the teaching of French   Philippe Hambye 22.5h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LROM2650 Training in the teaching of French as a mother tongue, second or foreign language   Silvia Lucchini 15h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LROM2910 Teaching French to a young immigrant population   Silvia Lucchini 22.5h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal Preparation and assessment of teaching practice

This work is evenly spread over the two years of the Master programme but will be validated in the second year.  

Optionnal LLAFR9002 Observation and teaching practice in french and latin : analysis and preparation   N. 40h  5 credits x x
Optionnal Teaching course for another discipline

If students choose to study teaching a 3rd language or another discipline, they are required to undertake 10 hours of placement in this language or discipline.  

Optionnal LGERM2521 German as a foreign language methodology  

Prerequisite : minor in German Studies

Henri Bouillon 15h+35h  5 credits 1 + 2q x x
Optionnal LGERM2523 Dutch as a foreign language methodology  

Prerequisite : minor in Dutch Studies

Sara Jonkers 15h+35h  5 credits 1 + 2q x x
Optionnal LROM2945 Didactics of Spanish  

Prerequisite : minor in Spanish Studies

Geneviève Fabry 7.5h+15h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LROM2946 Didactics of Italian  

Prerequisite : minor in Italian Studies

Silvia Lucchini 7.5h+15h  5 credits 1 + 2q x x
Optionnal LARKE2910B Didactics of Art History and Aesthetics  

Prerequisite : minor in History of Art and Archeology

N. 45h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LFILO2540B Didactics of philosophy  

Prerequisite : minor in Philosophy

N. 45h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LAGRE2221 Learning and teaching with new technologies   Marcel Lebrun 15h+15h  3 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LAGRE2310 Micro-teaching exercises   Pascalia Papadimitriou, Dominique Vandercammen 15h  2 credits 1q x x
Optionnal Medieval latin and Neolatin
Optionnal LGLOR2502 History of Medieval Latin literature   Paul Deproost 30h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LGLOR2501 Latin Authors : Middle Age and Renaissance   Paul Deproost 30h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LGLOR2507 Neolatijn : taal en literatuur (KULeuven)   N. 39h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal French Linguistics
Optionnal LCLIG2160 Sociolinguistics   Philippe Hambye 15h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LCLIG2210 Phonology and Prosody   Anne-Catherine Simon 30h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LCLIG2230 Discourse Analysis   Elisabeth Degand 15h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LCLIG2250 Methods of corpus linguistics   Cédrick Fairon, Anne-Catherine Simon 30h+10h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LROM2180 Geolinguistic varieties of French   Esther Baiwir (compensates Philippe Hambye), Philippe Hambye 22.5h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LROM2472 Regional Walloon Languages (including onomastics)   Michel Francard 15h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LROM2640 Linguistic policies   Philippe Hambye 22.5h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LLOGO1211 Psychologie du langage oral   Arnaud Szmalec 30h  4 credits 1q x x
Optionnal Medieval French
Optionnal LROM2221 Issues in medieval literary history   Mattia Cavagna (coord.), Colette Storms 22.5h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LROM2222 Reading medieval texts : François Villon   Olivier Delsaux (compensates Tania Van Hemelryck), Tania Van Hemelryck 22.5h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LROM2223 In-Depth Survey of Medieval French Texts   Tania Van Hemelryck 22.5h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LROM2227 Medieval texts and manuscripts: a critical approach   Tania Van Hemelryck 15h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LHIST2210 Codicology   Paul Bertrand 15h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LHIST2430 Diplomacy in the Middle Ages, including elements of chronology, sigillography and heraldry   Paul Bertrand 22.5h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal French Modern Literature
Optionnal LROM2473 Walloon Dialectical Literature   Michel Francard 15h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LROM2740 Sociology of Literature   Jean-Louis Tilleuil 22.5h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LROM2750 Contemporary literature and images   Jean-Louis Tilleuil 15h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LROM2790 Belgian literature in the French language: indepth questions  

Prerequisite : LROM1523 Belgian Francophone Literature (or an equivalent course) - 3 credits

Pierre Piret 15h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal Natural Language Processing
Optionnal LFIAL2620 Natural language processing   Cédrick Fairon 22.5h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LFIAL2630 Introduction to automatic text processing   Cédrick Fairon 22.5h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LCLIG2220 Overview of applications in NLP   Cédrick Fairon 15h  5 credits 1 + 2q x x
Optionnal LCLIG2240 Statistics for Linguistics   Thomas François 30h+15h  10 credits 1 + 2q x x
Optionnal LCLIG2260 Introduction to speech processing   Thierry Dutoit 15h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal Theatre
Optionnal LTHEA2205 Comparative approach between theatre and cinema   Serge Goriely 30h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LTHEA2241 Study of French theatrical literature I   Pierre Piret 30h  4 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LTHEA2242 Study of French theatrical literature II   Pierre Piret 30h  4 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LTHEA2271 History of dramatic production   Jonathan Châtel 22.5h  4 credits 1q x x
Optionnal French as a foreign language
Optionnal LROM2620 Acquisition of a seond or foreign language: theory and applications   Silvia Lucchini 22.5h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LROM2630 Corrective and contrastive phonetics in French   Silvia Lucchini 22.5h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LROM2940 Didactics of French as a foreign language and interncultural studies   Silvia Lucchini 22.5h+15h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LROM2930 Study of teaching language methods   Silvia Lucchini 15h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal Library science
Optionnal LSTIC2894 Training in computer assisted publication  

Prerequisite : LCLIB2001

N.   5 credits x x
Optionnal LFIAL2280 History of book and reading   Michel Lisse 22.5h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LCLIB2000 Studying in a professional context   Olivier Comanne 15h+15h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal Cultural history
Optionnal LFIAL2150 History of Humanism   Agnès Guiderdoni, Aline Smeesters 22.5h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LFIAL2292 Art and Literature   Ralph Dekoninck, Myriam Delmotte 22.5h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LTHEO2430 Religions and gender   Walter Lesch 30h  3 credits 1q x x
Optionnal Roman history and archaeology
Optionnal LARKO2270 Numismatics : Antiquity   Charles Doyen 30h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LHIST2382A Governing and societies: In-depth questions II (A. Roman Antiquity)   Françoise Van Haeperen 22.5h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LHIST2512A In-depth questions on economic history (Modern Times)   Michel Dorban 22.5h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LARKO2360 Special questions in Etruscan and Pre-Roman civilisations of Italy   Marco Cavalieri 30h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LARKO2370 Archaeology of Italy and the Roman Provinces   Marco Cavalieri 30h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LARKO2380 Special Issues in Early Gallo-Roman Archaeology   Catherine Coquelet 30h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LARKO2390 Special Issues in Late Gallo-Roman Archaeology   Catherine Coquelet 30h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal Ancient civilisations
Optionnal LGLOR2911 Issues in ancient Mediterranean Religions   Alain Meurant, Claude Obsomer 30h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LHIST2521A Contacts and exchanges : In-depth questions I (Antiquity)   Françoise Van Haeperen 22.5h  3 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LHIST2551A In-depth questions I on cultural and religious history (Antiquity)   Françoise Van Haeperen 22.5h  3 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LTHEO2321 Questions of Patristics I   Jean-Marie Auwers 30h  4 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LTHEO2322 Questions of Patristics II   Jean-Marie Auwers 30h  4 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LTHEO2341 Questions of history of christianity: Antiquity   Jean-Marie Auwers 30h  4 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LFIAL2552 History of sciences of antiquity   Jean Lempire 22.5h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LFILO1315 Seminar on philosophical texts by authors from the past   Jean-Michel Counet, Pierre Destrée 30h  3 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LFILO2140 Advanced Studies in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy   Pierre Destrée 30h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LFILO2141 Textual interpretation: St. Thomas B   Jean-Michel Counet 30h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal Other courses maximum 5 credits)

May be chosen from the Faculty or University programmes with the agreement of the examination board secretary. Students should check with the lecturer in charge of their chosen course(s) that they are entitled to take them. If certain courses are available in the core subjects or the research focus, there may be no more than 6 credits worth of overlap for each of these categories. No overlap of courses is permitted for either the teaching focus or the professional focus.