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Study programme 2014-2015

Teaching and training

 The Advanced Joint Master is an inter-university training programme of 60 credits, open to students who hold a second cycle university degree.

The universities taking part in the programme are the University of Liège (Wallonia-Europe Academy), the Université libre of Brussels and the University of Mons-Hainaut (Wallonia-Brussels Academy) and UCL (Louvain Academy).

The Advanced Joint Master in Risk Management and Well-Being in theWorkplace is designed for those holding positions of responsibility in the field of prevention and protection policies both within businesses and outside, as well as those interested in a career in human resources, consulting firms, or organizations which help people. The main professions are :
- psychologists
- company doctors
- civil and industrial engineers
- managers
- sociologists
- lawyers
- human resource advisers
- computer specialists and developers