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Study programme 2014-2015

Teaching and training

 Final assignment
The production of a final assignment (15 credits) is a central part of the programme, through which students’ mastery of the concepts and their ability to apply them to real problems for their professional experience will be assessed. The assignment is defended orally and in public.
The aim is to lead students to rigorously apply a safety strategy to a problem which, as far as possible, is linked to their current or future professional responsilbities. In this way, students must demonstrate their ability to apply the principles of risk management in an area relating to the specialized module in the context of a real work situation. They will also need to use proper methodology to establish the relationship between the risk factors they have observed and the relevant indicators of system performance and of the health and well-being of workers both from a personal perspective and a group perspective.
The main stages of the work stem from this objective:
• accurate description of the different aspects of the problem, making a careful distinction beween facts, opinions of the workers and subjective personal impressions
• documentary research and critical review of the literature on the problem in question
• formulating one or more hypotheses for checking
• choice of a methodology for investigation which is likely to provide an answer to the relevant questions
• pilot study to test the investigation protocol and, depending on the result, programme planning for the study
• analysis of results and discussion in relation to data found in the literature
• drawing up recommendations to make to the company and evaluation of the action taken.

The examining panel bases its assessment on the following criteria :
• relevance to professional practice;
• cross-disciplinary use of subjects explored in training;
• scientific rigour, i.e. correct definition of the problem, formulation of theoretical reference framework, clarification and justification of the methodology for investigation, critical of the results.