Legend Mandatory Optional Courses not taught during 2014-2015 Periodic courses not taught during 2014-2015 Periodic courses taught during 2014-2015 Two year courses Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...) > Legend 30 credits chosen from : Year 1 2 Additional module in philosophy LFILO2230 Advanced Studies in Philosophy of Nature Alexandre Guay 30h 5 credits 2q x x LFILO2240 Advanced Studies in the Philosophy of Natural Sciences A Bernard Feltz 30h 5 credits 2q x x LFILO2241 Advanced Studies in the Philosophy of Natural Sciences B Alexandre Guay 30h 5 credits 2q x x LFILO2970 Seminarium : Ethics in Science-Society Relations Bernard Feltz 30h 5 credits 2q x x LFILO2910 Seminar on philosophical anthropology Michel Dupuis, Nathalie Frogneux 30h 5 credits 2q x x LFILO2130 Philosophy of Religion A Jean Leclercq, Marc Maesschalck 30h 5 credits 1q x x LFILO2131 Philosophy of Religion B Jean Leclercq, Marc Maesschalck (coord.) 30h 5 credits 1q x x LFILO2170 Advanced Studies in Epistemology Christophe Perrin 30h 5 credits 1q x x LTHEO2952 Research seminar in applied ethics Dominique Jacquemin, Walter Lesch 30h 5 credits 2q x x Interdisciplinary studies LANTR2020 Symbolic systems anthropology : cosmology and environment Olivier Servais 30h 5 credits 1q x x LBIR1305 Introduction to systems analysis Mohamed Walid Ben Youssef Sadok 10h+20h 3 credits 1q x x WEBIM2900 Stage d'observation et rapport d'éthique clinique N. 5 credits x x LFSA2245 Environment and Business Thierry Bréchet 30h 3 credits 1q x x LPHY2153 Introduction à la physique du système climatique et à sa modélisation Hugues Goosse (compensates Jean-Pascal van Ypersele de Strihou), Hugues Goosse, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele de Strihou 30h+15h 5 credits 1q x x LSEXM2810 Anthropologie culturelle de la famille et du couple N. 30h 4 credits 2q x x LSOC2065 Anthropology of politics and religion: power and beliefs Pierre-Joseph Laurent, Jacinthe Mazzocchetti 30h 5 credits 2q x x LSPRI2000 Public Policy Analysis David Aubin 30h 5 credits 2q x x LSPRI2210 Political Egineering and Elections Lieven De Winter, François Maniquet 15h+15h 5 credits 1q x x LTHEO1312 Ethics - Society - Religion Walter Lesch 45h 4 credits 1 + 2q x x LTRAV2040 Social politics Philippe Pochet, Pierre Reman 30h 4 credits 2q x x LTRAV2050 Employment policies Philippe Pochet, Pierre Reman 30h 4 credits 2q x x LTRAV2720 Comparative social protection systems Yannick Vanderborght, Pascale Vielle 45h 5 credits 2q x x LSOC2045 Sociology of Economic Practices Christian Arnsperger, Emeline De Bouver (compensates Christian Arnsperger), Thomas Périlleux 30h 5 credits 1q x x LECON2340 Economy and society Isabelle Ferreras 30h 5 credits 2q x x Public Health (5 credits) Students must choose a course (5 credits) in the Master in Public Health (http://www.uclouvain.be/en-prog-2012-lesp2m.html).