Legend Mandatory Optional Courses not taught during 2013-2014 Periodic courses not taught during 2013-2014 Periodic courses taught during 2013-2014 Two year courses Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...) > Legend Option réservée aux étudiants de la finalité "Relations publiques et communication des organisations". Year 1 2 Activités obligatoires (10 credits) LCOMU2615 External communication Thierry Libaert 30h 5 credits x x LCOMU2616 Seminar: External Communication Politics Thierry Libaert 30h 5 credits x x Activité au choix (5 credits) Une activité parmi : LCOMU2617 Communication publique Olivier Alsteens, Thierry Libaert, Jacques Moisse 30h 5 credits x x LCOMU2350 Assessment of organization communication Assaël Adary, Caroline Sauvajol-Rialland 30h 5 credits x x LCOMU2613 Communication sensible Thierry Libaert 30h 5 credits x x LCOMU2706 Psychosociologie N. 30h 5 credits x x LLSMS2061 Corporate Strategy in Europe (in English) Benoît Gailly 30h 5 credits 1q x x LCOMU2230 Programmes and Targets of Radio-TV Frédéric Antoine 30h 5 credits x x LCOMU2606 nter-cultural communication Alain Reyniers 30h 5 credits 2q x x LSPRI2200 Lobbying, Communication and Political Marketing Theodoros Koutroubas, Marc Lits 30h 5 credits 1q x x LCOMU2223 Langage sonore Thierry De Smedt 22.5h 5 credits x x LCOMU2660 Theories in the communication Sector of multimedia Gérard Valenduc (compensates Philippe Verhaegen), Gérard Valenduc, Philippe Verhaegen 22.5h 5 credits x x MCOMU2106 Ethique de l'information et de la communication Philippe Scieur (coord.), null SOMEBODY 30h 5 credits 2q x x LCOMU2250 Mediatic Narration Philippe Marion 30h 5 credits x