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Option en hyperfréquences / microwaves

The aim of the microwaves option is to provide students with the basic knowledge needed in designing, simulating and  creating microwave devices and circuits, including antennas, as well a scharacterizing them and inserting them into communication and detection circuits, and finally, modelling and measuring the transmission channel. This option involves both the design of devices and circuits, numerical simulation of devices and channels, and also microwave measurement of devices and transmission channels.

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

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L'étudiant qui choisit cette option sélectionne from 16 to 26 credits among

MandatoryCours obligatoires en hyperfréquences
Mandatory LELEC2580

Design of RF and microwave communication circuits Danielle Janvier, Jean-Pierre Raskin30h + 30h 5credits 1q xx
Mandatory LELEC2700

Microwave Isabelle Huynen, Danielle Janvier30h + 45h 6credits 2q xx
Mandatory LELEC2910

Antennas and propagation Christophe Craeye, Piotr Sobieski30h + 30h 5credits 1q xx

OptionalCours au choix en hyperfréquences
Optional LELEC2541

Advanced electronic devices Vincent Bayot (coord.), Denis Flandre, Jean-Pierre Raskin30h + 30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional LELEC2590

Seminars in electronics and communications Denis Flandre (coord.), Isabelle Huynen, Jérôme Louveaux30h 3credits 2q xx
Optional LELEC2796

Wireless communications Claude Oestges (coord.), Luc Vandendorpe30h + 30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional LMECA2300

Advanced Numerical Methods Christophe Craeye, Vincent Legat, Jean-François Remacle30h + 30h 5credits 2q xx
| 23/04/2012 |