Advanced Module in Water and Earth Resources [25.0]
Legend |  | Mandatory |  | Optional |  | Courses not taught this academic year |  | Periodic courses not taught this academic year |  | Periodic courses taught this academic year |  | Two year courses |
| Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...) | | |
| Year | | 1 | 2 | To take this module, it is recommanded to have followed the option 7A - Water and Earth Resources.
Moreover, students taking this module will only follow part of the course LBIRE2217: seminars and field trips. | LBIRE2217
| Projet intégré, séminaires et excursions en ressources en eau et en sol | Charles Bielders, Mathieu Javaux, Marnik Vanclooster (coord.) | 90h | 4credits | 1+2q | | x |
Courses to be chosen in Year 2 for minimum 8 credits among the following courses/ | LBRES2203
| Soil management and planning in warm regions | Charles Bielders (coord.), Thomas Delfosse (supplée Bruno Delvaux), Bruno Delvaux | 22.5h + 7.5h | 3credits | 1q | | x | LBRES2204
| Integrated water management of water resources | Olivier Cogels, Marnik Vanclooster (coord.) | 30h + 22.5h | 5credits | 1q | | x | LBRES2206
| Material resistance and earth-made constructions | Sébastien Lambot | 30h + 22.5h | 5credits | 1q | | x | LBIRE2102B
| APPLIED GEOMATICS | Pierre Defourny | 22.5h + 7.5h | 3credits | 1q | | x |
Courses to be chosen in Year 2 for minimum 5 credits among the following courses: | LBRES2104
| Hydraulics of open irrigation channels | Mathieu Javaux | 30h + 22.5h | 5credits | 2q | x | x | LBRES2105
| Drainage and soil conservation | Charles Bielders | 30h + 22.5h | 5credits | 2q | x | x | LBRES2106
| Integrated management of the soil-plant system | Stephan Declerck, Xavier Draye (coord.), Nathalie Kruyts | 45h + 15h | 6credits | 2q | x | x | LBRTE2101
| Aquatic and soil biological and physical chemistry | Joseph Dufey, Patrick Gerin (coord.) | 37.5h + 15h | 5credits | 1q | x | x |
Courses to be chosen in Year 2 in order to reach minimum 25 crédits in the module and 60 credits for the year. | |