Legend |
 | Mandatory |  | Optional |  | Courses not taught this academic year |  | Periodic courses not taught this academic year |  | Periodic courses taught this academic year |  | Two year courses |
Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...) |
| Year |
| 1 | 2 |
This module is available for students who have taken in Year 1, the following options: 8A ou 9A or 11A.
Students who have taken the option 9A must take LBRPP2205 as the optional course. |
| Ecologie des interactions | Thierry Hance, Anne-Laure Jacquemart | 24h | 3credits | | | x |
| Génétique moléculaire et génomique végétale | Henri Batoko, François Chaumont, Xavier Draye | | 3credits | | | x |
| Special questions in plant protection | Claude Bragard (coord.), Anne Legrève | 30h | 3credits | 1q | | x |
| Integrated crop protection | Claude Bragard, Thierry Hance, Anne Legrève (coord.) | 45h | 5credits | 1q | | x |
| Epidemiology and warning systems in plant pathology | Anne Legrève | 30h | 3credits | 2q | | x |
One course to be chosen in Year 2 for minimum 3 credits among the following courses: Les étudiants ayant suivi l'option 8A Agronomie intégrée ou l'option 11A Economie agricole et des ressources naturelles prendront de préférence le cours LBRPP2103A parmi les cours au choix. |
| Interactions plantes-environnement | Stanley Lutts | 24h + 12h | 3credits | | | x |
| Integrated management of the soil-plant system (partim) | Stephan Declerck, Xavier Draye, Nathalie Kruyts | 29h + 7h | 4credits | 2q | | x |
| Phytopathology (partim) | Claude Bragard, Anne Legrève | 30h | 3credits | 1q | | x |
Course according to the option in Year 1 |
Course for the students having chosen the option 9A iin Year 1 |
| Plant chemistry : diagnostics and recommendations | Claude Bragard (coord.), Anne Legrève | 60h | 5credits | 1q | | x |
Course to chose for 5 ECTS min for the students having chosen an other option in Year 1 |