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Core courses

Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryIndividual final project (15credits)
Mandatory LHIST2898

Individual final project  (in French) N.   15credits    x

MandatorySeminar and research techniques (15credits)

MandatorySeminar (10credits)
The history seminar requires significant research in libraries and archives as well as a substantial piece of critical work, preparation for oral and written summary. One seminar chosen from :
Optional LHIST2160

Seminar in Ancient History  Françoise Van Haeperen 22.5h  10credits  1q  x
Optional LHIST2260

Seminar in the History of the Middle Ages  Jacques Pijcke, Jean-Marie Yante 22.5h  10credits  1q  x
Optional LHIST2270

Seminar in Modern History  Silvia Mostaccio 22.5h  10credits  1q  x
Optional LHIST2280

Seminar on Contemporary History  Paul Servais, Laurence Van Ypersele 22.5h  10credits  1q  x
Optional LHIST2570

Legal History and Justice History - Research Seminar  Xavier Rousseaux 22.5h  10credits  1q  x
Optional LHIST2560

Seminar of History : overseas and its relations with Europe.  Michel Dumoulin, Paul Servais 22.5h  10credits  1q  x

MandatoryResearch techniques (5credits)
minimum 5 credits from :
Optional LHIST2180

Historical Geography  Jean-Marie Yante 15h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LHIST2210

Codicology  Jacques Pijcke 15h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LHIST2401

History and data management  Frédéric Vesentini 15h  5credits  1q  x
Optional LHIST2430

Diplomacy in the Middle Ages, including elements of chronology, sigillography and heraldry  Jacques Pijcke 22.5h  5credits  1q  x
Optional LFLTR2180

Greek epigraphy   Patrick Marchetti 22.5h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LFLTR2181

Latin epigraphy   Marco Cavalieri 22.5h  5credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LARKO2270

Numismatics : Antiquity  N. 30h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LHART2270

Numismatics : Middle Ages and Modern Times  Johan van Heesch 30h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LGLOR2171

Latin Palaeography  Baudouin Van den Abeele 15h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LROM2720

Literary History   Damien Zanone 22.5h  5credits  1q  x
Optional LFLTR2630

Introduction to automatic text processing  Cédrick Fairon 22.5h  5credits  2q  x
Optional LCOMU1323

The Press, Journalism and Society  (in French) Benoît Grevisse 30h  5credits  1q  x
Optional LSOC2085

Qualitative Methodology : Comprehensive Interview and Life history Accounts (Epistemology, Methods and Techniques  Marie Verhoeven 30h  5credits  2q  x
Optional LGEO1241

Cartography  (in French) Dominique Peeters (coord.), Isabelle Thomas 30h + 30h  5credits  2q  x
Optional LCRIM2101

Methodology of criminology  Fabienne Brion (supplée null), Dan Kaminski 30h + 15h  5credits  2q  x
Optional LCRIM2503

Foucaldian Perspectives in Criminology  Fabienne Brion 30h  6credits  1q  x

MandatoryField of governance and societies (15credits)
Two compulsory courses (according to the two yearly rhythm) :
Mandatory LHIST2381

Governing and societies: In-depth questions I
(a. Greek Antiquity (3 credits); b. Middle Ages (3 credits); c. Modern Times (3 credits); d. Contemporary period (3 credits)  (in French)
Vincent Dujardin, Christophe Flament, Aude Musin (supplée Xavier Rousseaux), Xavier Rousseaux, Paul Servais, Laurence Van Ypersele, Jean-Marie Yante (coord.) 60h  12credits  Periodic courses taught this academic year  x
Mandatory LHIST2382

Governing and societies: In-depth questions II
(a. Roman Antiquity (3 credits); b. Middle Ages (3 credits); c. Modern Times (3 credits); d. Contemporary period (3 credits)  (in French)
Xavier Rousseaux, Paul Servais, Françoise Van Haeperen, Laurence Van Ypersele, Jean-Marie Yante (coord.) 60h  12credits  Periodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Mandatory LHIST2321

National, regional and (linguistic) community-related identities. The Belgian situation I  (in French) Luc Courtois, Jean-Marie Yante (coord.) 22.5h  3credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Mandatory LHIST2322

National, regional and (linguistic) community-related identities. The Belgian situation II  N. 22.5h  3credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
| 25/05/2009 |