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National, regional and (linguistic) community-related identities. The Belgian situation II [ LHIST2322 ]

3.0 crédits ECTS  22.5 h   2q 

This biannual course is taught on years 2010-2011, 2012-2013, ...

Language French
of the course
Main themes Subscribed to the viewpoint developed on HIST 2321 ("National, regional and community identities. The Belgian case"), this teaching will focus on the other Belgian regions/communities: the Brussels and Flemish regions and communities; the German language region and German-speaking community.
Aims At the end of this teaching, the students will be initiated to the national, regional and community fields of the Belgian history, in their most significant aspects (cultural, social, economical and institutional)
Content Within the framework of the teaching HIST 2322 ("regional and community identities: the Belgian case"), I will teach the part related to the Brussels and Flemish case. The teaching objective is to initiate the students to the history of these identity movements in their most significant aspects (cultural, social, economical and institutional). According to the importance of the identity issue in Belgian present political and institutional crisis, it seems essential to broaden historical approach relating it to the contemporary identity stakes. Within this issue, I wish invite various agents of Brussels civil and political life in order to present their different points of view related to regional or community identity issues. In this way, students will be encouraged to debate about these stakes. The Flemish case will be preferably studied in relation to Brussels case.
Other information In order to help students, they will benefit of a close educational support. Nowadays, it -s important to implement an active pedagogy allowing student to play an active role in their learning process. In this sense, participation is on agenda particularly in documents analysis and in bibliographic research and reading. The evaluation method will be determined jointly by the teaching coordinator and the co-titular. The final evaluation will be either written or oral. It will be focused less on the student -s skill to reproduce (memorize) the information acquired during the term, than on a dissertation revealing an independent and critical thinking on the Brussels and Flemish regional movements. The teaching will be based on selected bibliographical references: - de Coster M., Les enjeux des conflits linguistiques : Le français à l'épreuve des modèles belge, suisse et canadien, L'Harmattan, 2007 - Deprez K. & Vos L. (éd.), Nationalisme in België. Identiteiten in beweging (1780-2000), Anvers, 1999. - Dessouroux Chr., Espaces partagés, espaces disputés. Bruxelles, une capitale et ses habitants, Ministère de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, 2008 - Dubois S., L'invention de la Belgique. Genèse d'un Etat-Nation, Bruxelles, Racines, 2005. - Dumont H. (éd.), Belgitude et crise de l'Etat belge, Bruxelles, 1989. - Hasquin H., "Le français à Bruxelles entre 1740 et 1780: premier essai de quantification", dans Et. sur le XVIIIe siècle, 6, 1979, 193-200; - Hasquin H., "La francisation de Bruxelles sous la République et l'Empire: mythes et réalités", dans Et. sur le XVIIIe siècle. 16, 1989, 53-62 - Nouvelle histoire de Belgique, Bruxelles, Ed. Complexes, 4 vol. - Martens M. (dir.), Histoire de Bruxelles, Toulouse, Privat, 1976. - Stengers J., Histoire du sentiment national en Belgique, des origines à 1918, Bruxelles, 2000-2002, 2 vol. - Vanhamme M., Bruxelles. De bourg rural à cité mondiale, Mercurius, Anvers-Bruxelles, 1968. - Verniers L., Un millénaire d'histoire de Bruxelles. Des origines à 1830, Editions A. De Boeck, Bruxelles, 1965.
Cycle et année
> Master [120] in History
> Master [60] in History
Faculty or entity
in charge

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