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Master in Economic and Social Policy [120.0] - OPES2M

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

  • ability to understand the essential elements of the different perspectives involved in the main economic and social issues in contemporary society (political economy, sociology, social psychology and philosophy);
  • ability to fully grasp the different contexts of economic and social policies ;
  • ability to put the players and the issues in a historical, institutional and cultural context ;
  • ability to make proposals relating to these policies or special measures.   

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The programme comprises core subjects worth 65 credits and two focuses of 30 credits each.  
The professional focus in economic and social policy is designed for students in Belgium or neighbouring countries who are involved, either professionally or on a voluntary basis, in the economic and social field.

Students selecting this focus are put in groups of 20 – 30.
The optional subjects available (25 credits) are chosen in stages : during year 1, each group selects their first five choices together with alternatives for year 2.
With the help of advisers, the  academic coordinator organizes the year 2 subjects. Groups may choose their subjects from various subject groupings.


There will be no special exemption for previous  courses or experience since the group work enables students to help each other build on their existing knowledge.

The research focus in development and project management is designed for adults who already have some experience of development issues in Central or West Africa. The optional subjects (25 credits) may be selected from University programmes according to students’ previous experience, their projects and prerequisite subjects. Advisers help students with their choice which is then subject to the agreement of the programme director.


In addition, a series of theme- and methodology-based seminars  are held in the first and second years. A special seminar (2 credits) is devoted to an issue related to religious sciences.

Whatever focuses and options are chosen, the programme for this Master must total a minimum of 120 credits, spread over two years of study. This corresponds to 60 credits per year.

Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits

Tronc commun

Une finalité parmi :

Activités au choix :

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

Entry to Higher Teaching dipoma (l’agrégation de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur) (30 credits) and to the Higher Teaching certificate (certificat d’aptitude pédagogique approprié à l’enseignement supérieur - CAPAES).

Doctoral programmes : the Open Faculty of Economic and Social Policy (Faculté ouverte de politique économique et sociale – FOPES) is not a doctoral school as such, but students have gone on to doctoral programmes depending on their chosen dissertation subject. This means that candidates must not only be able to fund their research but also have the necessary time to devote to it. This amounts to a minimum of 180 credits (or the equivalent of three years’ full time  education).

Retour en début de pageCertificates

University certificates are not currently awarded for following only a part of the programme but a limited number of students may be permitted to follow certain subjects provided they  have done the relevant prerequisite subjects and can be fitted into the group work.
| 9/07/2009 |