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Advanced Master in Pedagogy in Higher Education [60.0] - EDUC2MC

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

Society expects higher education to deliver high levels of qualification to a highly diverse student population in large groups. Against this background, introducing the necessary teaching methods requires special professional skills, based on the latest scientific and technological developments. The programme of the Advanced Master in Pedagogy in Higher Education aims to develop these skills.
Course objectives :

The programme is designed to develop the necessary skills capable of putting students at the centre of their own learning.

It is designed to enable candidates to acquire the knowledge, information and skills relevant to the different areas of higher education (universities and colleges of higher education) and to the application in these areas of the latest developments in research on learning and education.

It involves developing skills in designing, implementing and analyzing relevant teaching methods and techniques, particularly those which can drive and direct the interaction in student groups of different sizes, help students to achieve as much independence as possible in their learning by using the latest technology such as multimedia, software and e-learning.

It also involves making teachers aware of scientific and technical aids which can enable them to achieve the best results for the largest possible number of students and nurture the personal development of each one and to understand the development of higher education and the issues involved.
The programme also develops the skills necessary for working in mutidisciplinary teams to implement teaching projects and syllabuses.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The programme for the Advanced Master in Pedagogy in Higher Education is tailored to the experience and project of each student. There is a combination of three main elements :
- theory and practice
- cross-disciplinary and disciplinary skills
- research and teaching.
The programme has two parts : the theoretical and practical courses (45 credits) and the final assignment (dissertation) (15 credits) .

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

This Advanced Master is a programme of 60 credits organized by the Louvain Academy.

The programme is open to holders of a second cycle university degree who wish to develop their skills and knowledge in university level teaching.

This programme may also form additional training for holders of the teaching certificate for higher education (certificat d'aptitude pédagogique approprié à l'enseignement supérieur - CAPAES).

| 18/10/2008 |