The Master in Statistics (General) provides training in the fundamental concepts of statistics and a wide range of tools for processing data for students who already either have basic training in mathematics or computing or in one of the many fields of statistical application such as exact, human or medical sciences.
The training enables students to acquire a solid methodological foundation in statistics as well as providing many opportunities to apply it in specific fields.
Depending on students’ own objectives, two focuses are available.
The research focus is an introduction to basic or applied research but can also lead on to a professional career with an a priori choice of a field of application.
The professional focus relates to applied statistics. It enables students to acquire the main tools for processing data at the same time as specializing in a field of statistical application such as biometrics, technometrics, insurance and finance.
Students must build a programme of 120 credits worth of activities, including compulsory core subjects (between 41 and 43 credits) and a research or professional focus of 30 credits including the dissertation; the programme is completed by activities chosen from the different option courses. Two main groups of option courses are available : statistics option courses and application option courses which cover non-statistical activities in special areas of application such as economics, science and technology, insurance and so on.
Students doing the research focus must gain a minimum of 35 credits from the statistics option courses, including at least 25 credits from the option courses Statistical Tools and Method (S1) and Mathematical Statistics(S2). The programme is completed by other courses available in the option courses to reach a total of 120 credits.
Students doing the professional focus must gain a minimum of 25 credits from the statistics option courses, including at least 15 credits from the following option courses : Biometrics and Technometrics (S3), Data Mining and Data Management (S4), Econometrics (S5), Actuarial Science (S6) or Statistics in Human Sciences (S7). In addition, they must choose a minimum of 10 credits (and a maximum of 24 credits) from the application option courses. They should be chosen to fit in with the other subjects selected from the statistical option courses and to reflect students’ professional objectives. The programme is completed by other subjects from the option course to reach a total of 120 credits.
The main objective of the dissertation for the research focus is to tackle a methodological subject with a practical interest.
The dissertation for the professional focus will usually relate to practical problems and will examine methodological solutions by applying them to real data. In most cases it is linked to a work placement.
A programme may contain subjects which do not feature on the recommended list (below) provided that they have been approved by the programme committee. In addition, courses which are held at UCL and judged to be equivalent may replace the courses in the basic programme. Students must ensure that their programme includes all the prerequisite courses necessary for the courses they wish to take.
After one year on the Master in Statistics (General) programme, students may request permission to move to the Master in Statistics (Biostatistics). This is subject to the agreement of the programme committee and may involve taking additional courses.
Advanced Masters
The Masters in Statistics are not prerequisites for any special Advanced Masters.
Doctoral programmes :
Students who have gained a Master in Statistics (General) with a research focus may enrol for the doctorate in statistics, providing that :
• there is a supervisor or co-supervisor at the Institute of Statistics who is able to support them in their thesis work ,
• the proposal is agreed by the Doctoral Committee (Commission Doctorale du Domaine -CDD).
Students who have gained a Master in Statistics (General) with a professional focus may enrol for the doctorate in Statistics, providing that :
• they have gained distinction for their programme,
• they take any necessary prerequisite courses up to a maximum of 15 credits,
• there is a supervisor or co-supervisor at the Institute of Statistics who is able to support them in their thesis work ,
• the proposal is agreed by the Doctoral Committee (Commission Doctorale du Domaine -CDD).
There has been a University Certificate in Statistics since September 2004, with 6 course modules of between 15 and 30 credits on distinct themes. These courses are part of the Master in Statistics programme and the schedules are arranged so that participants can take their courses in blocks of half a day. Credits gained through the Certificate may count, at a later stage, towards a Master.