Autres filières LSM

  • Information Management (Namur)
    Being able to use information tools effectively brings clear strategic and competitive advantages, but also requires new skills somewhere between management and computing.  This special subject, the only one of its kind in Francophone Belgium, enables students to develop their skills in technology and business information management. It aims to train future managers able to run a business while developing information technology and future decision-makers able to harness new information technology in their business strategy.
  • Service Management (Namur) Western economies are dependent on services by more than 70%.  This sector increasingly requires specific multidisciplinary skills relating to marketing, operations, computing, law or human resources. The aim of this special subject, the only one of its kind in Belgium, is to train students in a multidisciplinary way by combining managerial, technological and economic knowledge and skills.
  • Market Finance (Namur)
    This special subject is designed to give solid grounding in the main areas of finance with an emphasis on market finance. The training is structured around the main themes of modern finance such as business finance, credit management, risk management, portfolio management, investment strategies, interest rate management policy, the working of stock exchanges and financial markets, risk management or derivatives.
  • Operational Marketing (Namur)
    This special subject is designed to train future managers who wish to take on one of the many marketing functions in businesses and organizations who put their customers and consumers at the centre of their operations. Tomorrow’s marketing executives face the challenges of knowing their customers, keeping them and attracting new customers, developing effective products and services, giving their customers the prices they expect and in the right places and standing out in the face of global, communication and technological competition.
  • Advanced Approaches and Methods in Marketing (FR - Mons)
    This is by nature an advanced option course which is designed to provide training in the methods, approaches and models which help to understand the multiple facets of marketing (qualitative and quantitative ; strategic and operational ; covering both the analysis of consumer behaviour and decision taking in marketing) and finishes with a seminar which brings students up to date with the most current research themes in marketing.
  • Portfolio and risk management (FR - Mons)
    This option course is designed to introduce the concepts and techniques for modelling financial products (including derivatives), their application in portfolio management and, more widely, in financial risk management
| 8/01/2009 |