trrwh.gif (280 octets)  The Lupa Capitolina Electronica (LCE) intends to gather all the data (textual, bibliographical, iconographic, electronic) necessary to the study one of the fundamental elements from the legend of Romulus and Remus : the Capitoline She-wolf. It also develops certain particular aspects of the framework in which its subject appears : the rich file of the origins and the first centuries of Rome, which covers a lapse of time ranging between the fall of Troy (1184 B.C.) and the end of the royal period (509 B.C.).

trrwh.gif (280 octets)  LCE is first intended for all those, specialists, students, scholars or curious minded people, who are interested more or less in this period of the Roman history which presents many incertainties. As it is still under development and as the matter to be dealt with is vast and multiple, one will find there for the moment only one list of materials available, significant but necessarily incomplete. Periodically updated, this catalogue makes corrections, suggestions or additions possible.

trrwh.gif (280 octets)  To make it easier for its visitors,  LCE has been divided into five parts which are parallel and inter-connected by a dense network  of  links :


a presentation of the literary data (with selective informations on the main authors)

archaeological testimonies commemorating these accounts

an outline of legendary data related to the episode of the she-wolf

bibliographical data (general and thematic) covering books and articles in periodicals

an list of the eletronic resources now available.


Moreover, in the future, certain aspects of the treated matter will be found here in a more detailed form.

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Pour atteindre l'Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgique).Pour atteindre le Collège Erasme qui abrite la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de L'Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgique).


To open LCE, please click here

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Last update : 06/22/2013

Possible comments : Alain Meurant (

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