You can choose one of two packages (see Download section):
Setup installer:
- installe automatiquement le programme et les raccourcis
- nécessite les droits "administrateur"
- vous serez lié à une machine pour conserver votre profil et vos
Zip file:
- no installation required
- can be copied at your prefered location (like usb key)
- run on any computer
"Setup" option: Run FaceTalesSetupEn.exe, and let it guide you for the installation process.
"Zip" option: Unzip the "FaceTales" directory and put it at your convenience.
Starting up:
"Setup" option: from the "Start Menu", or other shortcut (desktop, Quick Launch)
"Zip" option: open your directory FaceTales et and double-clic on FaceTales.exe
At startup, a dialog box invite you to select your identifier in a drop list box.
Please note that at first time, you must choose "New" in order to create your own profile. Next time, your identifier will appear in the list and you have just to select it. Then you reach the main menu and choose a tasks.
Recording of socio-demographic variables:
In order to improve FaceTales, your data will be anonymously recorded
and transmitted to the research team developing FaceTales. To better
understand the determinant of decoding skills training, we need some
information from you. You will be asked for some details about you and
your professionnal experience.
Important! Your profile (that contains your levels) is sored in a file named "profiles" that must be in the same directory of Facetales.exe.
Updated : 25/02/2011 - Pierre Mahau