WP1 Metalisation
WP2 Connection
WP3 Amplifier
WP4 Stimulation
WP5 Fabrication
WP6 Assembly
WP7 Models
WP8 Global System
Electronic aspects Conventional nerve stimulators employ blocking
capacitors in series with the electrodes. These serve two purposes: 1) to
ensure that the mean current is zero (charge balnce) in normal operation and,
2) to ensure that no direct current flows, which would cause electrolysis under
fault conditions (semiconductor device failure). Although a stimulator without
blocking capacitors can pass very little direct current, nevertheless blocking capacitors are used in
implanted stimulators because of the protection they provide under possible
fault conditions. In practice, the blocking capacitors are large (a few µF), and
as the integrated circuits get smaller with developments in semiconductor
technology, the amount of the implanted stimulator that is occupied by these
capacitors becomes increasingly large. This problem is particularly pronounced
for the Active Cuff, the topic of
this proposal, in which no blocking capacitors can be incorporated. In general,
if the blocking capacitors were eliminated, in addition to reductions in area
there would be another concomitant advantage: that no voltage drop would be wasted across them. Thus, the
required power supply voltage would be lower, which in turn would result in
significant reduction of the total power consumption of the implant and
improvement in the power efficiency of the stimulator. Biological aspects Besides, better understanding for the physiological reactions of nerve tissues in respond to stimulation is obligatory for saftey management of the resultant implants.
One of the main
technological challenges in the IMANE project is miniaturization of the
physical size of the implantable neural stimulator. Conventional neural
stimulators use external off-chip capacitors (see Fig. 1) for DC protection in the event of semiconductor failure.
For a multi-channel stimulator, the use of these external capacitors results in
large physical volume. WP4 tackled this problem by proposing a novel
high-frequency current-switching (HFCS) stimulation scheme. The technique
allows the blocking capacitors to be integrated on chip alongside with the rest
of the stimulator circuitry, hence achieving full system integration. The novel HFCS
resulted in the world's first fail-safe fully-integrated neural stimulator (see
Fig. 2). Two different prototype
stimulators using the HFCS technique have been fabricated so far. The modular
structure of the ASIC allows the construction of a multi-channel stimulation
and recording system by simply connecting multiple ASICs together. For the
prototype stimulator ASIC, the stimulation parameters have been optimized for
the IMANE project, which mainly focuses on vagus nerve stimulation. However,
the novel circuit techniques developed in WP4 (e.g., HFCS, new current
generator circuit, etc) can be easily used for other neural stimulation
applications, such as retinal, cochlear and nerve root stimulators, offering
mass volume reduction. The prototype
stimulator ASIC using HFCS has been successfully evaluated both in-vitro and
in-vivo. The stimulator ASIC conforms to the requirement of fail-safe under
single-failure conditions. The measured DC leakage current using this
stimulator was characterised with Platinum electrodes in a saline tank, and was
found to be well below the current safety limit. The size reduction and
full-system integration offered by the novel stimulator ASIC also benefits
other parts of the implant design chain, such as more flexibility in packaging,
reduced cost, minimized cross-talk between components and enhanced reliability.
Publication- X. Liu
and A. Demosthenous, "A Fail-safe ASIC for Implantable Neural
Stimulation," in Proceedings of 33rd European Solid-State Circuits
Conference (ESSCIRC), pp. 460-463, Germany, Sept. 2007.
- X.
Liu, A. Demosthenous, Mohamad Rahal and Nick Donaldson, "Recent
Advances in the Design of Implantable Stimulator Output Stages," in
Proceedings of European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design
(ECCTD), Spain, Aug. 2007.
- X.
Liu, A. Demosthenous and N. Donaldson, "Implantable Stimulator
Failures: Causes, Outcomes, and Solutions," in Proceedings of 29th
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society (EMBS), pp. 5786-5789, France, Aug. 2007.
- X.
Liu, A. Demosthenous and N. Donaldson, “A Safe Transmission Strategy
for Power and Data Recovery in Biomedical Implanted Device,” in
Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and
Systems (ISCAS), pp. 2367-2370, May 2007, US.
- X.
Liu, A. Demosthenous and N. Donaldson, “A Fully Integrated Fail-safe
Stimulator Output Stage Dedicated to FES Stimulation,” in Proceedings
of 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),
pp. 2076-2079, May 2007, US.
Figure 1. A conventional nerve root stimulator Figure 2 A fully integrated fail-safe stimulator ASIC by EEL |