Content and teaching methods
Methods of systematic review and meta-analysis mainly following the different steps described in the format of a Cochrane Review, including: formulating the problem, locating and selecting studies, assessing the quality of studies, collecting data, analysing data using quantitative meta-analytic methods (homogeneity, random and fixed effect models) and presenting results as tables and graphics (e.g. funnel plot, forest plot), interpreting results and synthesis.
A magistral course will be illustrated by concrete cases and completed by a practical approach. The purpose of the course is to allow the student to acquire a critical and practical approach of modern methods of systematic review of the litterature. To this aim the student will receive a paper reporting a problem approached by meta-analysis. He will have to retrieve the different concepts presented in the course and to make a crtical analysis of this. The synthesis report concerning this parper is part of the evaluation.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Contents of the courses ESP3420 "Statistiques médicales" and ESP3142 "Epidémiologie" constitute a pre-requisite.

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en santé publique (santé au travail - toxicologie industrielle)
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Diplôme d'études approfondies en sciences de la santé (sciences de la motricité)
Deuxième licence en sciences biomédicales (sciences biomédicales cliniques)
diplôme d'études approfondies en statistique (biostatistique et épidémiologie)
(2.5 credits)
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