MED 11BA First year of studies |
Foundation studies (60 credits)
The courses listed below may be followed during the 1st
year of the bachelor programme. They do not need any
MED1111 |
Philosophie[30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
Bernard Feltz
MD1001 |
Experimental physics and mathematical introduction to experimental sciences (1st part)[60h+18.5h] (8 credits) (in French)
Bernard Piraux
MD1002 |
Experimental physics and mathematical introduction to experimental sciences (2nd part)[30h+21h] (5 credits) (in French)
Bernard Piraux
MD1003 |
Mineral and general chemistry[60h+28h] (8 credits) (in French)
Paul Depovere, Jean-Louis Habib Jiwan
MD1004 |
Organic Chemistry[60h+30h] (9 credits) (in French)
Paul Depovere, Jacques Fastrez, Jean-Philippe Soumillion (coord.)
MD1005 |
Biologie générale[65h+25h] (9 credits) (in French)
Jean Baptiste Demoulin, Marie-Christine Many, Philippe van den Bosch Sanchez de Aguilar
MD1006 |
Cytology and general histology[10h+40h] (5 credits) (in French)
Jean-François Denef (coord.), Marie-Christine Many
MD1007 |
General, systemic and functional anatomy[45h] (5 credits) (in French)
Benoît Lengelé
MED1001 |
Elements of biophysics[15h+2.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Bernard Piraux
MED1002 |
A préciser (in French)
As a complement to the lectures and the practical
exercises or supervised pieces of work for the courses in Physics,
Chemistry and Biology, the instructors assume complementary support
activities in small groups which help the students to enhance their
learning of the subject matter. The student is encouraged to
participate in these activitities, depending on his learning needs.
MD1011 |
Activités d'encadrement complémentaire en physique (par séries)[12h] (in French)
Bernard Mahieu, Bernard Piraux
MD1013 |
Activités d'encadrement complémentaire en chimie générale et minérale (par séries)[12h] (in French)
Paul Depovere, Jean-Louis Habib Jiwan, Daniel Peeters, Etienne Sonveaux (coord.)
MD1014 |
Activités d'encadrement complémentaire en chimie organique (par séries)[12h] (in French)
Paul Depovere, Jacques Fastrez, Jacques Poupaert, Etienne Sonveaux, Jean-Philippe Soumillion (coord.)
MD1015 |
Activités d'encadrement complémentaire en biologie (par séries)[12h] (in French)
Jean Baptiste Demoulin, Pascal Kienlen-Campard (coord.), Marie-Christine Many
MED 12BA Second year of studies |
Compulsory courses
ANAT1207 |
Special topographic and clinical Anatomy[75h+65h] (12 credits) (in French)
Benoît Lengelé
BCHM1210T |
Biochimie générale (partim théorie 67,5h)[67.5h+30h] (8 credits) (in French)
Frederik Opperdoes, Emile Van Schaftingen
FYSL1210 |
General Physiology[60h+24h] (8 credits) (in French)
Philippe Gailly, Jean Lebacq
ANGL1850 |
Medical English[60h] (3 credits)1+2q
Timothy Byrne, Dominique François, Marielle Henriet, Susan Jackman, Françoise Stas
ISTO1201 |
Normal histology of systems (part 1)[19h+30h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jean-François Denef, Marie-Christine Many, Jean-Marie Scheiff (coord.)
ANAT1110 |
Embryologie[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
André Goffinet
BCHM1230 |
Cell and molecular biology[22.5h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Pierre Courtoy
MED1270 |
Psychologie[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Marc Crommelinck, Jacques Van Rillaer
PHAR1230 |
Pharmacologie générale[30h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Jean-Marie Maloteaux
FARM1282T |
Microbiologie générale (partim théorie 18h)[18h+15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Thomas Michiels
MED1200 |
Eléments d'épidémiologie[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Benoît Boland
MED1280 |
Introduction to medical practice[8h+40h] (2 credits) (in French)
Guy Beuken, Martin Buysschaert, Jean-Marc Feron, Alex Kartheuser, Karin Levie, Marc Maes, Dominique Pestiaux (coord.), Christian Swine
FYSL1211 |
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology[30h+8h] (4 credits) (in French)
Guy Heyndrickx, Giuseppe Liistro
2 credits.
MED 13BA Third year of studies |
Compulsory studies
ANAT1370 |
Radiologic anatomy and normal imaging[30h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Guy Cosnard, Louis Goncette, Frédéric Lecouvet, Bernard Van Beers (coord.), Bruno Vande Berg
ANPG1300 |
Anatomie pathologique générale[10h+20h] (2 credits) (in French)
Etienne Marbaix, Jacques Rahier
BCHM1310 |
Human Biochemistry and Genetics[70h+16h] (8 credits) (in French)
Louis Hue (coord.), Frédéric Lemaigre, Miikka Vikkula
FYSL1311 |
Renal physiology and pathophysiology[30h+14h] (4 credits) (in French)
Olivier Devuyst, Guy Heyndrickx, Giuseppe Liistro, Bertrand Tombal
FYSL1302 |
Physiologie normale et pathologique (2e partie) (Systèmes endocrinien, digestif et reproducteur)[60h+12h] (8 credits) (in French)
Jean-Claude Henquin
FYSL1303 |
Physiologie normale et pathologique (3e partie) (Système nerveux)[75h+12h] (8 credits) (in French)
Marc Crommelinck, Etienne Olivier, Léon Plaghki, André Roucoux
ISTO1301 |
Histologie normale des systèmes (2e partie)[15h+25h] (3 credits) (in French)
Idesbald Colin (supplée Jean-François Denef), Jean-François Denef, Marie-Christine Many (coord.), Jean-Marie Scheiff
MCBL1330 |
Medical Microbiology[50h+12.5h] (6 credits) (in French)
Michel Delmée, Patrick Goubau
MED1300 |
Basic pathology and introduction to medical semeiology[30h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Pierre Courtoy
PSME1300 |
Medical psychology[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Philippe van Meerbeeck
MED1385 |
Séminaire interdisciplinaire de sciences humaines[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Marc Crommelinck, Bernard Feltz, Philippe van Meerbeeck
MED1301 |
Sémiologie et intégration physiopathologique[15h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Pierre Courtoy, Michel Delmée, Olivier Devuyst (coord.), Guy Heyndrickx, Louis Hue, Giuseppe Liistro, Jean-Paul Thissen, Dominique Vanpee
SBIM1304P |
Immunologie générale (partim 30h)[45h] (3 credits) (in French)
Pierre Coulie, Jean-Christophe Renauld, Benoît Van den Eynde
2 credits.
Optional courses
Besides the compulsory courses, during the course of the first cycle, the students must :
either follow at least the equivalent of 4 credits of options
or have the status of "monitor student"
The student may also begin his work as a research
student, but this will not be recognised until the end of the 2nd cycle
and will therefore not make him exempt from following one of the two
activities listed above.
Options offered in the 1st cycle
The student may, if he so wishes,
follow another course than those listed above (courses from the
Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacy and Public Health programmes...), subject
to the previous agreement of the president of his year committee.
ANAT2120 |
A préciser (in French)
BCHM2120 |
Compléments de biochimie[30h] (2 credits)2q (in French)
Luc Bertrand, Mark Rider (coord.)
BCMM2130 |
Biochemistry of Metabolic Diseases[30h] (2 credits)1q (in French)
Marie-Cécile Nassogne (coord.), Marie-Françoise Vincent
SBIM1001 |
MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES[22.5h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
André Nauts
FARM2147 |
A préciser (in French)
FYSL2110 |
Questions spéciales de physiologie[30h] (in French)
GEMO2110 |
Génétique moléculaire médicale[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Christine Dumoulin
INFM2111 |
Eléments d'informatique médicale[15h+15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Also available for the training of the future doctors are courses in the domain of Psychology, including :
PSP1160 |
Child and adolescent psychology[45h] (3.5 credits) 2q (in French)
James Day (coord.), Xavier Renders
PSP1214 |
A préciser (in French)
Monitor students
After having accomplished one year of studies, the
student may participate in supporting students from lower years, for
the courses in : Histology, Human Anatomy, General Physiology,
Neurophysiology, General Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular
Complementary information regarding this activity can be obtained from the lecturers or assistants.
Research students
Those students who so desire may get into direct contact
with fundamental or clinical research as from the end of their first
year of studies in Medecine. This activity is not considered as an
option. It will be recognised at the end of the 2nd cycle.
Professor L. Hue is the President of the Research students Committee (secretary's office : ICP 75 + 1, 02 7647529).
The detailed reglementation and the application formula
for this status are available on simple request at the secretary's
office of the School of Medecine (Faculty Centre, level 0, "Centre
Faculté niveau 0").