The programme major is composed of a volume of courses representing 150 credits, spread over 3 years.
ARCH 11BA First year of studies |
1st quadrimester
AUCE1101 |
Cross-disciplinary Approaches to Architecture - Anthropology[15h] (2 credits)1q (in French)
Jean Stillemans
AUCE1301 |
History of Architecture: Antiquity[15h] (2 credits)1q (in French)
Philippe Bragard
AUCE1501 |
Dessin 1 : Ville et Territoire[60h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Jean Stillemans
AUCE1502 |
Drawing 2: Places[60h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Olivier Bourez
AUCE1701 |
Construction: structure[30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
Denis Zastavni
FSAB1101 |
Mathematics 1[30h+30h] (6 credits)1q (in French)
Philippe Delsarte, Michel Verleysen, Vincent Wertz (coord.)
FSAB1201 |
Physics 1[30h+30h] (6 credits)1q (in French)
Guy Campion (coord.), Jan Govaerts, Jean-Didier Legat, Charles Trullemans
FSAB1801 |
Critical History of Science and Technology[15h+15h] (2 credits)1q (in French)
Patricia De Grave, Jacques Riche, David Vanderburgh
2nd quadrimester
AUCE1201 |
Theory of Architecture 1: Introduction[15h] (2 credits)2q (in French)
David Vanderburgh
AUCE1601 |
Design Studio I: Landscape and edifice[75h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
David Vanderburgh
AUCE1503 |
Drawing 3: Composition and compositional techniques[45h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Frédéric Andrieux
AUCE1702 |
Construction: materials[30h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
André De Herde
FSAB1102 |
Mathematics 2[45h+45h] (9 credits)2q (in French)
Camille Debiève, François Glineur, Enrico Vitale (coord.)
FSAB1202 |
Physics 2[30h+30h] (6 credits)2q (in French)
Guy Campion, Jean-Claude Samin, Piotr Sobieski (coord.)
ARKE1445A |
Arts et civilisations : moyen âge (architecture)[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
ARKE1447A |
Arts et civilisations : temps modernes (architecture)[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
ANGL1871 |
English : reading comprehension of scientific texts[20h] (2 credits)
For the English courses, a special dispensational test
is organised during the first quadrimester of the first year
(Test 1 - reading comprehension). If the student passes it, he is
exempt from doing the corresponding course activities : he will
either take the ANGL1871 exam at the end of the year (2 credits), or
he will chose to follow the ANGL1872 course from the first year on
(in the second year - 2 credits), or another avanced language
course for a minimum of 2 credits, depending on his competence.
ARCH 12BA Second year of studies |
1st quadrimester
AUCE1102 |
Cross-disciplinary Approaches to Architecture 2 : Philosophy [15h][15h] (2 credits)1q (in French)
Jean Stillemans
AUCE1302 |
History of architecture: contemporary [15h][15h] (2 credits)1q (in French)
Olivier Masson
AUCE1602 |
Design Studio 2: History and Habitat [60h][60h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Frédéric Andrieux
AUCE1603 |
Design Studio 3 : Institution and Edifice [60h][60h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Nicolas Van Oost
AUCE1801 |
Construction [30h][30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
Nicolas Van Oost
FSAB1109 |
Mathematical structures for spaces[30h+20h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Yves Félix
FSAB1209 |
Advanced Statics[15h+10h] (2 credits)1q (in French)
David Johnson (coord.), Jean-Claude Samin
FSAB1203A |
Physique 3 A[20h+20h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
Jean-Pierre Raskin, Jean-Claude Samin, Piotr Sobieski
FSAB1104 |
Numerical methods[30h+30h] (5 credits)1q (in French)
Vincent Legat (coord.), Grégoire Winckelmans
2nd quadrimester
FSAB1802 |
Philosophy. Introductory Course[15h+15h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Jean-Michel Counet, Nicolas Monseu (supplée Jean-Michel Counet)
AUCE1202 |
Theory of Architecture 2: Theories [15h][15h] (2 credits)2q (in French)
Olivier Masson
AUCE1604 |
Design Studio 4 : City and Edifice [75h][75h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Christian Gilot
AUCE1504 |
Drawing 4: Presentation and presentation techniques [45h][45h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Frédéric Andrieux
ARKE1445A |
Arts et civilisations : moyen âge (architecture)[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
ARKE1447A |
Arts et civilisations : temps modernes (architecture)[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
FSAB1105A |
Probabilité et statistiques[15h+10h] (2 credits)2q (in French)
AUCE1171A |
Géologie et minéralogie A[20h+15h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
ANGL1872 |
English: Listening Comprehension[20h] (2 credits)2q
Isabelle Druant, Dominique François, Marie-Aude Lefer, Henri November, Marc Piwnik
For the English language course in the second year, the
student will take a special dispensational test in the first
quadrimester (Test 2 - listening comprehension). If he passes it, he is
exempt from doing the corresponding course activities : he will either
take the ANGL1872 exam at the end of the second year (2 credits), or he
will choose to follow the ANGL1873 course, from the second year on (in
the third year - 2 credits), or another avanced language course for
at least 2 credits, depending on his language competence.
Option : minor or option (10 credits)
ARCH 13BA Third year of studies |
1st quadrimester
AUCE1103 |
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Architecture 3 : aesthetics [15h] (2 credits) Semester 1[15h] (2 credits)1q (in French)
Jean Stillemans
AUCE1401 |
Architecture and the City 1 [15h] (2 credits) Semester 1[15h] (2 credits)1q (in French)
Christian Gilot
AUCE1605 |
Studio 5 : Architecture, Technology and Sustainable Development [60h] (4 credits[60h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Magali Bodart, André De Herde
AUCE1606 |
Atelier 6 : Orientation Architecture, Ville, Paysage [60h] (4 credits)[60h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Christian Gilot
AUCE1172A |
A préciser (in French)
MECA1901 |
Continuum mechanics.[30h+30h] (5 credits)1q (in French)
François Dupret
2nd quadrimester
FSAB1309 |
Chimie[30h+20h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Christian Bailly, Jacques Devaux, Pierre Godard (coord.)
AUCE1203 |
Théorie de l'architecture 3 : la composition [15h] (2 credits)[15h] (2 credits)2q (in French)
David Vanderburgh
AUCE1402 |
L'architecture et la ville 2 [15h] (2 credits)[15h] (2 credits)2q (in French)
Christian Gilot
AUCE1607 |
Atelier 7 : Synthèse [120h] (8 credits)[120h] (7 credits)2q (in French)
Olivier Bourez, Nicolas Van Oost
AUCE1901 |
Confort et Physique du bâtiment (thermique, acoustique et éclairage)[30h] (2 credits)2q (in French)
Marcelo Blasco, André De Herde, Elisabeth Gratia
ANGL1873 |
English communication skills for engineers[20h] (2 credits)1q
For the language courses, the student will take a special
dispensational test during the first quadrimester ( Test 3 -
expression ). If he passes it, he is exempt from doing the
corresponding study activities : he will either take the ANGL1873
exam at the end of the third year (2 credits), or he will chose to
follow another advanced language course in the third year, for at least
2 credits, depending on his language competence.
Option : minor or option (20 credits).