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Master complémentaire en médecine générale (Complementary Master of General Medecine ) [MEGE2MC]
>> Programme management
>> Study objectives
>> Admission conditions
>> Admission procedures
>> General structure of the programme
>> Programme content
>> >>> > MEGE21MC - 1st year of studies
>> >>> > MEGE22MC - Second year of studies
>> Evaluation
>> Positioning of the degree within the University cursus

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Programme management

CEMD Commission permanente de l'enseignement de l'école de médecine

Academic Supervisor : Dominique Pestiaux

Contact person : Brigitte Zuyderhoff

Tel. 02 764 53 45

E-mail : Brigitte.Zuyderhoff@cumg.ucl.ac.be

Teaching Committee

President : D. Pestiaux

Members : P. Chevalier, Ph. Heureux, C. Minguet, D. Vanthuyne et Ch. Vanwelde. One representative from among the candidate specialists in General Medecine.

Selection Committee

The Selection Committee is composed of the members of the Teaching Committee, to which are added two guest members and two coopted members.

Study objectives

The complementary master's programme of General Medecine aims to further basic knowledge acquired during the PhD programmes for the management and accompaniment of health problems encountered on the first level of health care, and by means of supervised apprenticeship periods, study summaries, seminars and supervised pieces of work. It prepares the candidate to obtain the professional title of General Practitioner.

Admission conditions

Before being authorised to embark on the specialised training programme in General Medecine, (MEGE 2MC), the doctor in medecine must prove that he has followed, in a continuous way, 200 hours of recognised lectures (Ministerial Decree of 03/05/1999) organised by a university centre for General Medecine (CUMG).

Furthermore :

  • The applicant must hold the degree title of Doctor in Medecine or be a Doctor from a member country of the European Union authorising medical practice in Belgium.
  • The applicant must be in possession of a document attesting that, at the end of the selection exams, he was retained as a specialist candidate in General Medecine, in a Belgian medical faculty.

The juridical context and practical procedures regarding these selection tests can be obtained from the secretary's office.

Degree holders or graduates from outside the European Union may only enrol on this programme with the aim of obtaining a university certificate for partial specialised training of one year's duration.

The Royal Decree of the 30.05.2002, relating to the planning of the medical offer published on the 14.06.2002, applies to those candidates wishing to obtain the title of Specialist Doctor in General Medecine (those candidates are thus counted among the general practitioner candidates or specialists in the context of the numerus clausus).

Admission procedures

Information can be obtained from the secretary's office for the complementary masters' programmes CUMG (Brigitte Zuyderhoff).

Applications for admission must be addressed to the academic supervisor. The organisation of the entrance selection tests is arranged in accordance with the calendar and the general examination rules and regulations.

General structure of the programme

The total length of the specific training programme in General Medecine cannot be for less than 3 years (Ministerial Decree of 1/10/2002, European Directive 2001/19/CE). The length of the training programme is at least two years after having acquired the degree of Doctor in Medecine. The first year of the DES may be validated by following the 4th study year of the PhD programme in Medecine, with the "General Medecine" orientation.

Besides theoretical and practical sessions, it includes full-time training periods carried out with general practitioners or in hospital services, approved by the Ministry for Public Health and recognised by the Faculty of Medecine.

The student degree holders who have successfully followed the "General Medicine Orientation" in the 4th year of studies of their PhD in medecine, obtain the credit of 6 months apprenticeship in an approved hospital service and 6 months work experience with a recognised General Practitioner or in a recognised centre for primary care.

The graduate students who have not followed the "General Medecine" orientation in the 4th year of PhD studies in medecine must follow the programme described below during the course of the DES. The length of the work experience in a hospital is a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of one year for the ensemble of the training.

Apprenticeships in developing countries are authorised and counted as a quarter of their length. These training periods may only concern one year of the complementary training (Ministerial Decree of 06/04/1999).

Apprenticeships in a country of the European Community are authorised for the maximal duration of one year (Ministerial decree of 06/04/1999).

Programme content

MEGE21MC 1st year of studies

1. Programme for those students who have successfully accomplished the totality of the theoretical and practical training as per the General Medecine orientation of the 4th year of the PhD programme in Medecine.

One year of full-time practical work experience (in a hospital or with a general practitioner ).

In the context of this training, the hospital apprenticeship cannot surpass the duration of one year (maximum 3 to 6 months depending on the speciality within the same service, (Ministerial Decree of 08/07/1999, art. 7)


Stages hospitaliers de médecine généraleEN Cours non dispensé cette année académique (in French)



Stages de médecine générale chez le généralisteEN Cours non dispensé cette année académique (in French)


These different apprenticeship periods each comprise support seminars :


Seminars of accompanied practice[40h] (in French)

Guy Beuken, Cassian Minguet (coord.), Dominique Pestiaux


Travail de fin d'études. (in French)


Complementary training

A course on basic spirometry is accessible to those doctors who wish to participate in it :


Compétence en spirométrie[15h] (in French)

Giuseppe Liistro

2. Programme for those students beginning their training in General Medecine after the 4th year of PhD studies in Medecine.

One year of full-time studies consisting of :

a) Courses

On Fridays of the second quadrimester, "return to study" days following the 4 days of apprenticeship during the week.

Compulsory courses


Medical prescription[3h+14h] (1 credits) (in French)

Pierre Chevalier, Cassian Minguet, Dominique Pestiaux (coord.), Daniel Vanthuyne

[partim : 14h]


General practice seminars[22h] (in French)

Philippe Heureux, Cassian Minguet, Dominique Pestiaux, Daniel Vanthuyne (coord.)


Parcours de formation et tutorat[20h] (in French)



Seek, medical literature and quality of care in general practice[20h] (in French)

Dominique Paulus


Seminars of accompanied practice[40h] (in French)

Guy Beuken, Cassian Minguet (coord.), Dominique Pestiaux


Logistic organization of a general practice[16h] (in French)

Dominique Pestiaux, Charles Vanwelde


Travail de fin d'études. (in French)



Special questions from the general practice attachment[16h] (in French)

Daniel Vanthuyne


Technical Skills and Aptitudes in General Practice[16h] (in French)

Daniel Vanthuyne, Charles Vanwelde (coord.)


Advanced aspects of primary care[20h] (in French)

Cécile Bolly, Jean Laperche, Dominique Pestiaux (coord.), Michel Vanhalewyn



Workshop of sensibilisation to patient-doctor relationship in Family Practice[16h] (in French)

Dominique Charlier, Philippe Heureux (coord.), Dominique Pestiaux, Christine Reynaert


Preventive medicine in infants and children[30h] (2 credits) (in French)

Eddy Bodart, Naima Deggouj, Christiane Demars-Fremault, Myriam Malengreau (coord.), Jean-Jacques Rombouts, Dominique TENNSTEDT, Demet Yuksel

Complementary training

A course on basic spirometry is accessible to those doctors who wish to participate in it :


Compétence en spirométrie[15h] (in French)

Giuseppe Liistro

b) Work experience

The apprenticeships take place either in a hospital service or in a general medicine service or in a centre for primal care. These training periods must be accomplished either in hospital services or with practical training supervisors who are recognised accordingly. In the context of this practical training, the period in a hospital cannot surpass one year (maximum 3 to 6 mois depending on the speciality within the same service) (Ministerial Decree of 08/07/1999, art. 7)


Stages hospitaliers de médecine généraleEN Cours non dispensé cette année académique (in French)



Stages de médecine générale chez le généralisteEN Cours non dispensé cette année académique (in French)


These different periods of work experience each comprise support seminars.


Seminars of accompanied practice[40h] (in French)

Guy Beuken, Cassian Minguet (coord.), Dominique Pestiaux


Travail de fin d'études. (in French)


MEGE22MC Second year of studies

1. Programme for those students who have successfully accomplished the totality of the theoretical and practical training as per the General Medecine orientation of the 4th year of the PhD programme in Medecine.

In the context of this training, the hospital experience cannot surpass the duration of one year (maximum 3 to 6 months depending on the speciality within the same service, (Ministerial Decree of 08/07/1999, art. 7)


Stages hospitaliers de médecine généraleEN Cours non dispensé cette année académique (in French)



Stages de médecine générale chez le généralisteEN Cours non dispensé cette année académique (in French)


These different periods of work experience each comprise support seminars.


Seminars of accompanied practice[40h] (in French)

Guy Beuken, Cassian Minguet (coord.), Dominique Pestiaux


Travail de fin d'études. (in French)


2. Programme for those students beginning their training in General Medecine after the 4th year of PhD studies in Medecine.

One year of full-time apprenticeship

In the context of this training, the hospital experience cannot surpass the duration of one year (maximum 3 to 6 months depending on the speciality within the same service, (Ministerial Decree of 08/07/1999, art. 7)

The students who are beginning their specific training in General Medecine after their 4th year of PhD studies in medecine must accomplish a 3rd year of full-time work experience in General Medecine, including the general practical support seminars, to be able to obtain the recognition in General Medecine.


Stages hospitaliers de médecine généraleEN Cours non dispensé cette année académique (in French)



Stages de médecine générale chez le généralisteEN Cours non dispensé cette année académique (in French)


These different periods of work experience each include support seminars.


Seminars of accompanied practice[40h] (in French)

Guy Beuken, Cassian Minguet (coord.), Dominique Pestiaux


Travail de fin d'études. (in French)



First year

  • Exams for those students beginning their studies in General Medecine and
  • Evaluation by the work training supervisor leading the practical support seminars for all candidates

Second year (and third year)

  • Evaluation by the work training supervisor leading the practical support seminars
  • Evaluation of certification carried out by the jury of the programme involving the defence of a personal piece of work before an inter-university jury. (MEGE3001 End of course project).

Further to the application of the Royal Decree of 16 March, 1999, the candidate will receive, at the end of the first two years of training, an attestation proving that he has successfully accomplished a specific university training course.

The necessary attestation for obtaining the title of recognised General Practitioner, can only be awarded at the end of the 3 years of the Complementary Masters.

Positioning of the degree within the University cursus

Doctors enrolled on the Complementary Master's programme of General Medecine will be awarded, at the end of their studies, not only the Diploma for Specialist Studies in General Medecine, but also the title of Recognised General Practitioner , from the Ministry of Public Health. This title entitles access to a specific nomenclature (higher level of reimbursement of fees) and is necessary in order to obtain the right to practise general medecine within the countries of the European Union.

This site was created in collaboration with ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Person in charge : Jean-Louis Marchand - Information : info@md.ucl.ac.be
Last update :02/08/2006