UCL - Studies

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Study programmes
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Second cycle
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Per course

Licence en sciences de la santé publique (gestion des institutions de soins) (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Public Health Sciences ) [HONU2]
>> Programme management
>> Study objectives
>> Admission conditions
>> Admission procedure
>> General structure of the programme
>> Programme content
>> >>> > HONU1EP - Preparatory year of training for the programme
>> >>> > HONU21 - First year of studies
>> >>> > HONU22 - Second year of studies

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Programme management

SOSP Commission des sciences hospitalières et médico-sociales

Academic Supervisor : Elisabeth Darras

Contact person : Claudine Wangneur

Medico-social and Hospital Unit

ESP - Clos Chapelle aux Champs, 30 bte 30.37, 1er étage, local A 145, 1200 Bruxelles

Tel. 027643439 - Fax : 027643435 - wangneur@hosp.ucl.ac.be

Study objectives

The programme addresses Health or Management professionals who wish to acquire and /or perfect the necessary university skills for the conception, planning, coordination, management and/or evaluation of interventions in hospital or institutional care management.

Upon completion of this programme, the graduate will have acquired university skills integrating the practices and capacities of questioning, founded on interdisciplinarity, scientific rigour and research skills.

Admission conditions

1. preparatory training year for the "licence," accessible to

  • holders of a Belgian diploma ("gradué"), in nursing, midwifery, social assistant, assistant psychologist or a foreign diploma recognised as being equivalent.
  • holders of a Belgian university first study cycle diploma "candidature" in Kinesitherapy, delivered by an Institute of Further Education (long cycle) or a foreign diploma recognised as being equivalent.
  • holders of a Belgian further education diploma in ergotherapy, speech therapy, dietetics, chemistry, bandage manufacturing-orthesiology-prothesiology, podology-podotherapy, director's secretary - medical option or a foreign diploma recognised as being equivalent.
  • holders of a Belgian diploma as a medical laboratory technician, secondary school teacher (AESI) in sciences: biology, chemistry and physics.
  • or a foreign diploma recognised as being equivalent.

2. "Licence" in two years

Subject to the jury's decision ,

  • holders of an academic qualification sanctioning the basic 1st study cycle
  • holders of a certificate attesting to the successful completion of the 2nd year of 1st cycle studies in Medecine
  • holders of a Belgian university degree ("licencié") in Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation delivered by an Institute of Further Education (long cycle) or a diploma ("gradué") in nursing, subject to passing an admission exam and possible complementary studies.
  • holders of a foreign diploma or certificate recognised as being equivalent to one of the Belgian certificates entitling access to the programme.
  • any person proving to have the relevant professional and personal skills and who, further to the evaluation procedure, is judged to have sufficient capacities and knowledge to successfully follow these studies, subject to acceptance of the application for admission.

Admission procedure

The University admission and enrolment procedures are detailed in the "General Information" section of the web page:

General structure of the programme

Recognised as a programme of ongoing training, this "licence" programme entitles the student to paid education-leave. The programme is delivered in the form of an adapted timetable.

These "licence" studies are spread over two years and include theoretical presentations completed by practical work and work experience. The choice of the options must be approved by the programme director.

Programme content

HONU1EP Preparatory year of training for the programme

Eléments de statistiques médicales[15h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)

William D'Hoore, Annie Robert


Sociologie et anthropologie I :1ère partie[40h+0h] (4 credits) (in French)

Jean De Munck, Matthieu de Nanteuil-Miribel

[partim : 60 hours]


Comptabilité générale[15h] (in French)

Karine Cerrada Cristia


Principes d'organisation et gestion des ressources humaines[45h+7.5h] (in French)

Micheline Gobert, Pierre Meurens


Political Economics (Part 1)[40h+10h] (4 credits) (in French)



Psychologie sociale (in French)


Principes d'organisation et gestion des ressources humaines.[22.5h+3.8h]EN Cours non dispensé cette année académique (in French)



Introduction au système médico-social[30h] (in French)

Vincent Lorant


Introduction à la recherche scientifique dans le domaine médico-social et hospitalier[30h] (in French)

Sabine Stordeur


English: Reading comprehension[30h] (3 credits)

Estelle Dagneaux, Sandrine Mulkers

HONU21 First year of studies

1. Compulsory courses

a) for the students of both options


Organisation du travail en milieu hospitalier[30h] (in French)

Claudine Henaux


Psycho-sociologie de l'organisation application en milieu hospitalier[30h] (in French)

Pascal Janne


Sécurité sociale[30h] (in French)

Jacques Van Drooghenbroeck


Législation et organisation hospitalières[45h] (in French)

François Ladrière


Financement des frais d'exploitation des hôpitaux[22.5h+2.5h] (in French)

Guy Durant


Informatique hospitalière[15h] (in French)

Francis Roger France


Principes d'organisation et gestion des ressources humaines[45h+7.5h] (in French)

Micheline Gobert, Pierre Meurens

b) for students following the "administering nursing care" option


Fondements des soins infirmiers[30h] (in French)

Elisabeth Darras

c) for students following the "hospital management" option


Gestion financière des hôpitaux[37.5h+7.5h] (in French)

Guy Durant


Comptabilité hospitalière[15h+5h] (in French)

Guy Durant

2. Options

The student is required to follow 105 hours of courses chosen from the list below. Within these 105 hours, a maximum of 30 hours may be chosen from outside the programme. The 105 hours will be spread over the two years. The student is allowed to enrol for an option which follows the specific courses from the other option. The choice of the options must be approved by the programme director.

a) Sociology - Psychopedagogy - Ethics - Epidemiology - Public Health


Pédagogie appliquée et formation continue[30h] (in French)

Evelyne Charlier


Santé et environnement: risques psycho-sociaux[15h] (in French)

Olivier Luminet


Aspects socio-culturels de la santé[15h] (in French)

Vincent Lorant


Problèmes d'éthique professionnelle[15h] (in French)

Luc Michel


Epidemiology[22.5h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)

Fabienne Nackers, Annie Robert (coord.)


Problématique de l'éducation en promotion de la santé[30h] (in French)

Alain Deccache


Concepts et méthodes en santé publique[15h] (in French)

William D'Hoore


Etude comparative de l'organisation hospitalière[22.5h] (in French)

Guy Durant


Etude comparative de l'enseignement des soins infirmiers[15h] (in French)

Elisabeth Darras

b) Geriatrics


Geriatric medicin[15h] (1 credits) (in French)

Pascale CORNETTE, Philippe Heureux, Philippe Meire, Christian Swine (coord.)

This course on Geriatrics is optional.


Gérontologie sociale[22.5h] (in French)

Pascale CORNETTE, Catherine Gourbin, Christian Swine (coord.)


Normal ageing and epidemiology of age-related health conditions[22.5h] (in French)

Christian Swine


Geriatric assessment and rehabilitation[22.5h] (in French)

Thierry de Barsy, Christian Swine


Psychogeriatrics : Psychology and psychopathology of the elderly[22.5h] (in French)

Thierry de Barsy, Philippe Meire


Gestion des institutions et des services de santé communautaires pour personnes âgées[15h+15h] (in French)

Pascale CORNETTE, Christian Swine (coord.)

Apprenticeship periods

100 hours (1/2 day per week over the full year) given in the form of seminars on research methods to prepare for the thesis.

HONU22 Second year of studies

1. Compulsory courses

a) for the students of both options :


Droit médico-social et hospitalier[30h] (in French)

François Ladrière


Principes d'organisation et gestion des ressources humaines[45h+7.5h] (in French)

Micheline Gobert, Pierre Meurens


Construction et aménagement des institutions hospitalières[22.5h] (in French)

Patrick De Coster


Hygiène hospitalière[15h] (in French)

Anne Simon


Statistique médicale[22.5h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)

Annie Robert


Principes d'organisation et gestion des ressources humaines.[22.5h+3.8h]EN Cours non dispensé cette année académique (in French)



Eléments de législation et d'organisation pharmaceutiques en milieu hospitalier[15h] (in French)

Léon Wilmotte


Législation sociale en milieu hospitalier[15h] (in French)

Christine Franckx


Gestion stratégique à l'hôpital[15h] (in French)

Frédéric Bielen


Initiation à l'éthique et à la bioéthique[30h] (in French)

Mylene Botbol

b) for students following the "administration nursing care" option :


Questions spéciales en gestion des soins infirmiers[30h] (in French)

Elisabeth Darras

c) for students following the "hospital management"option :


Evaluation et amélioration de la qualité à l'hôpital[15h] (in French)

William D'Hoore


Aspects économiques et financiers des soins de santé[22.5h] (in French)

Jean Hermesse


Principes de planification des services de santé[15h] (in French)

William D'Hoore

2. Options

See first year of studies

3. Conferences on perfection cycles

20 hours to be chosen from the programme of perfection cycles in Hospital Sciences which take place during the two study years.

4. Thesis

Under the direction of one of the lecturers, the writing and defence of a thesis on a subject approved by the programme director and relating to the option chosen. The guidance of the student is assumed by his promoter and completed in the form of seminars to accompany the elaboration of the thesis. The thesis is defended before a jury.

This site was created in collaboration with ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Person in charge : Jean-Louis Marchand - Information : info@md.ucl.ac.be
Last update :02/08/2006