Programme management
EDUS Commission d'enseignement "éducation pour la santé"
Person in charge : Alain Deccache
Secretary : Nicole Joris-Dessy
Health Education unit - RESO
Avenue E. Mounier, 50, Centre faculté +1, 1200 Bruxelles
Tel. 027645070 - Fax : 027645074 - Email :
Study objectives
This second cycle of university studies ("
licence"), addresses health, medico-social work and educational
professionals who wish to acquire or perfect the necessary university
skills for the conception, planning, coordination, management
and/or evaluation of health education or patient education
Recognised since 1984 as a programme of ongoing training
(for adults), this "licence" programme entitles the student to paid education-holidays.
At the end of the programme, the university graduate
will have acquired university skills in these domains, integrating the
practices and capacities for questioning, based
on interdisciplinarity, scientific rigour and research
PhD programme in Public Health (ESP 3),
orientation : Health Promotion - health education, is designed to develop skills in scientific research in the domain.
Admission conditions
1. One year preparatory training for the "
licence" programme
for holders of
a Belgian diploma sanctioning higher non-university studies in
accordance with the access list decreed by the Ministry of Education of
the French-speaking Community of Belgium (information is available at
the secretary's office of the RESO-Health-Education Unit) and which does not
justify specific professional or personal requirementst, or, a
foreign diploma recognised as being equivalent.
2. "Licence" programme in two years
Subject to the admission jury's decision, and with
complementary studies to be defined on a course by course basis in
accordance with previous studies undertaken (c.f. course list for the
preparatory year for the "licence"). This programme is open to :
all persons
proving to have the necessary professional and personal skills
and who, further to the evaluation procedure, are judged to have the
necessary competence and aptitudes to be able to successfully follow
these studies, subject to admission acceptance on behalf of the
admission jury
holders of an academic diploma sanctioning basic first cycle university studies
holders of a certificate attesting the success of the first 2 years in Medecine ("candidature")
holders of a Belgian
diploma sanctioning
non-university further education studies in accordance with the access list decreed by the
Ministry of Education of the French-speaking Community in
Belgium (information available at the secretary's office of the RESO-Health Education Unit)
holders of a foreign diploma or
certificate recognised as being equivalent to one of the Belgian diplomas entitling access.
3. "Licence" programme in one year
The holders of at least one diploma from the second
cycle of university studies ("licence"), in Health Sciences or in
Psychology, Pedagogy, Sociology, Social Communication or the
title of Doctor in Medecine, are entitled to obtain the "licence"
diploma by following a lighter programme in one year (single
"licence"). If necessary, success in previous studies will be taken
into consideration.
4. Teacher-training ("Agrégation")
To prepare for teaching in technical and secondary
schools, the teacher-training programme ("agrégation") is
accessible to students with a "licence" degree in Public Health
Sciences, orientation : Health Promotion-Health-education, or to
students enrolled on the programme leading to this degree, or holders of
a university degree judged as being equivalent.
For higher non-university study diploma holders (cfr CAPAES).
5. PhD programme
The PhD programme in Public Health, orientation : Health
Promotion - Health-education, is accessible to second cycle university
degree holders ("licence"), subject to certain specific conditions
(information available at the secretary' office of the RESO).
Admission procedure
The admission procedure includes
personalised analysis of the application request of each student (at the
RESO) with a view to optimalising the candidates' orientation. The
complete admission procedure leads to a contract of personalised
General structure of the programme
Programme organisation
The "licence" programme comprises 24
courses, practical assignments and seminars, each of 30 hours,
spread over two years of studies, as well as the writing and defence of
an end of course thesis. The thesis is supervised by a support
The one year programme comprises 11 courses selected
from the "licence" programme as well as some courses or specific
seminars chosen in accordance with the experience, previous education
and needs of the candidate. The production of an end of course thesis
is also required, here.
The training programme is organised in the form of a
timetable adapted to facilitate the accessibility of active
professional adults.
The programme is designed for groups of 30 students, maximum
so as to be able to ensure an optimal balance of conditions between
objectives, methodology (participative pedagogy) and pedagogical
Pedagogical methods
Focus is placed on
active methods
group work
seminars, the presentation of individual pieces of work) and
; the
integration of
theory and pratice
is carried out by means of reference to the professional experiences of
the participants, the development of a personal project and support
activities on the field (visits, organised observation periods...).
ensured thanks to the different subjects contributing to the programme,
through the disciplinary diversity of the
course instructors, the initial training and the students' work
resource centre
is there to help the students in their documentary research work and to
ensure that they have access to the necessary documentation and
pedagogical tools.
Programme content
EDUS1EP Preparatory year for the
licence |
EDUS1100 |
Séminaire de méthodologie de l'information scientifique dans la pathologie générale[60h] (in French)
seminar comprises 3 parts (1101, 1102, 1103).
PSP1131 |
General and genetic Biology[37.5h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Philippe van den Bosch Sanchez de Aguilar
PSP1132 |
Human Physiology[22.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Jean Lebacq
PSP1133 |
Neurophysiology[37.5h+4h] (3 credits) (in French)
André Roucoux
ESPO1113A |
Sociologie et anthropologie I :1ère partie[40h+0h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jean De Munck, Matthieu de Nanteuil-Miribel
[partim : 60 oursh]
PSP1310 |
Psychologie sociale (in French)
HOSP2111 |
Principes d'organisation et gestion des ressources humaines[45h+7.5h] (in French)
Micheline Gobert, Pierre Meurens
EDUS21 First year of studies |
EDUS2100 |
Problématique de l'éducation en promotion de la santé[30h] (in French)
Alain Deccache
EDUS2110 |
Santé maternelle et infantile, santé de l'écolier et de l'école.[30h] (in French)
Michel Mercier
EDUS2121 |
Stage d'observation en éducation pour la santé[30h] (in French)
Alain Deccache
EDUS2122 |
Méthodologie spéciale en éducation pour la santé[30h] (in French)
Alain Deccache
EDUS2130 |
Santé affective et sexuelle (y compris assuétudes)[30h] (in French)
Reinier-Jacques Opsomer, Nicolas Zdanowicz
EDUS2140 |
Santé, maladie, utilisation des services de santé (y compris les médicaments et les médecines parallèles)[30h] (in French)
Josiane Burton, Vincent Lorant
EDUS2150 |
Eléments de santé publique (biostatistique, épidémiologie) et démographie[30h] (in French)
William D'Hoore, Godelieve Stroobant
EDUS2160 |
Pédagogie expérimentale et histoire de l'éducation[30h] (in French)
Christian Delory
EDUS2170 |
Méthodologie générale en santé publique[30h] (in French)
Bernadette Wiame
EDUS2180 |
Psychologie du développement[30h] (in French)
Nathalie Grosbois
EDUS2190 |
Sociologie des institutions[30h] (in French)
Jean De Munck
EDUS2191 |
Planification des services et des personnels de santé, législation sanitaire et sécurité sociale[30h] (in French)
Luc Berghmans, Jacques Van Drooghenbroeck
ANGL1852 |
Anglais. Compréhension à la lecture et à l'audition[30h] (3 credits)
Sandrine Mulkers
EDUS22 Second year of studies |
1. Compulsory courses
EDUS2200 |
Droit et éthique de la santé[30h] (in French)
Jean-Philippe Cobbaut
EDUS2220 |
Santé de l'alimentation, de l'activité physique et du vieillissement[30h] (in French)
Michel Hermans, Thierry Marique, Christian Swine
EDUS2230 |
Moyens de communication en éducation pour la santé[30h] (in French)
Thierry De Smedt, Annick Honorez (supplée Thierry De Smedt)
EDUS2250 |
Gestion de projet en santé publique[20h] (in French)
EDUS2251 |
Séminaire de gestion de projets-I en santé publique[10h] (in French)
EDUS2260 |
Méthodes de la recherche en sciences de la santé[30h] (in French)
Catherine Gourbin, Godelieve Stroobant
EDUS2270 |
Evaluation des programmes en santé publique[20h] (in French)
Alain Deccache
EDUS2271 |
Séminaire d'évaluation de programme en santé publique I[10h] (in French)
Alain Deccache
EDUS2281 |
Education du patient et approche qualitative[30h] (in French)
Alain Deccache
EDUS2310 |
Séminaire de méthodologie de la recherche en éducation pour la santé[30h] (in French)
Alain Deccache
EDUS2320 |
Séminaire de planification d'intervention en éducation pour la santé[30h] (in French)
Alain Deccache
2. Options
60 hours minimum.
Positioning of the degree within the University cursus
The "licence" programme in Public Health Sciences, orientation : Promotion of Health Education, entitles access
to the
teacher-training programme ("agrégation") for technical
and secondary schools for Health Education ("AESS") and "CAPAES",
to the "DEA" in Public Health,
to the PhD in Public health, orientation : Health Promotion ,
to the specialised study diploma in Public Health.