The phrase 'development of human resources' refers to a perspective of growth in personal
management rather than to any specific field therein. The aim of the course is to analyse the
conditions, constraints and opportunities for putting such an approach in place in the field. The course aims, within the system of management, to identify kinds of work organisation and human resource management practices thaw might contribute to the development of the latter.

Main themes
a. From personnel management to the development of human resources
The transformation of practices in the human management of organisations (e.g. individualised and decentralised management of staff, communications policy, new rules governing management and the 'cultural' role of management).
b. Skills development
The implications of the development of forms of work organisation and technology in the
field of the skills required, and on the very notion of qualifications.
c. The potential contribution of some major managerial processes to the development of
human resources.
d. Policy and methods of matters including selection, training, appraisal and pay.

Content and teaching methods
Why do we nowadays place skills at the centre of the human resource management system?
Definition of the concept and practices of evaluating skills (positioning of the concept
in relation to associated concepts, methods of evaluating skills in staff selection and assessment situations, towards manpower and skills competences planning?).
Skills development: From staff training to the organisation of training leading to
qualifications (apprenticeship dynamics, training as a measure for development skills, organisation of training leading to qualifications. and organisational apprenticeship).
Conclusion: The limits of a policy for developing skills, organisational change: a factor
of development or the obsolescence of skills?).

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Pre-requirement: Particularly Course TRAV2133 'Staff administration'. A written test using reference materials, and probing students' ability to mobilise theoretical referents in order to analyse a case. Lectures, exercises and case studies, expositions and accounts given by human resource executives.
This course forms part of a study programme given in the evening and/or on Saturdays.

Programmes in which this activity is taught
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en économie et gestion (Master in business administration) (ressources humaines, organisations & relations industrielles)
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Master en sciences du travail
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Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en économie et gestion (Master in business administration) (ressources humaines, organisations & relations industrielles)
(6 credits)
Deuxième licence en sciences du travail
(6 credits)
Master en sciences du travail (option générale)
(6 credits)
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