At the end of the course, the students should be able to design and criticize a questionnaire, to write out the questions according to the rules in this matter, and to exploit the data gathered through uni- and bivariate statistical analyses.

Main themes
The inquiries by questionnaires concerning the family, the couple and its sexuality: essential purpose, kinds of inquiries, design and construction of questionnaires (stages, processes, snares to avoid), economy of the questionnaire, kind of question (social identification, practices, opinions and representations), sample (kind and size), modes of administration, pilot-inquiry, encoding.
Exploiting of the questionnaire: elements of univariate (distributions, central trend and dispersion) and bivariate (crossed tables, comparison of two distributions, correlations main statistical tests) statistical analysis, presentation of the results.
Practical exercises.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en sciences de la famille et de la sexualité
(2 credits)
