UCL - Studies

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Psychological aspects of human reproduction [SEX2250]
[15h] 2 credits

Version française

Printable version


Christine Reynaert




Second cycle

>> Aims
>> Main themes
>> Content and teaching methods
>> Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
>> Other credits in programs


Introduction to the systemic family therapy.
At the end of the course the students
- should get acquainted with the systemic perspective of the transmissions and repetitions inside the families
- will be able to stand back critically but positively from the various psychotherapeutic models.

Main themes

- Summary of the basic concepts : communication theories and general theory of the systems
- Familial fates and myths, dividing up the roles and powers
- Systemic reading of some psychiatric and medical ailments (asthma, anorexia nervosa… ) evidencing the psychological and relational implications
- Reflection on the relations between autonomy and belongingness, freedom and determinism in the frame of a therapeutic relation

Content and teaching methods

- Summary of the thought of the authors concerned
- Illustration from many clinical cases and practical situations (brought by the teacher and if possible by the students)
- Use of the genogram as a tool of consciousness of the secrets, of the chronological correlations and of the happy or unhappy repetitions in the families

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)

To be inquisitive and open-minded towards the various constructions of the reality
Oral examination
Transparents but most of all oral interaction

Other credits in programs


Licence en sciences psychologiques

(1.5 credits)


Première licence en sciences de la famille et de la sexualité

(2 credits)


Deuxième licence en sciences de la famille et de la sexualité

(2 credits)

This site was created in collaboration with ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Person in charge : Jean-Louis Marchand - Information : info@psp.ucl.ac.be
Last update :02/08/2006