The course aims to give the students knowledge and competences that will help them to evaluate the compatibilities and limits of computer systems, in relation to the needs of their studies and future profession
Hands on sessions about the use of computer software linked to the courses followed in their first year of baccalaureat in sciences will lead to acquire the practical competences of using computer tools.

Main themes
Part 1 - Physical world
- The machine and its environment
- Programs : languages, programming, etc.
- Peripherals : terminals, disks, printers, etc.
- Software layers : operating systems, usual functions, user services (commands) , program services, examples of services, files
- Mono and multi-user environment
- Application supports
- Applications
- Advanced techniques : artificial intelligence
- Communications : distant access, computer networks, local networks, widespread networks.
Part 2 - Logical organization of information
- File system
- Databases : structure and operation, examples of interest in natural sciences
- Documentation databases
Part 3
- Introduction to formal logic (true/false/and/or/combinations)
- Application studies relative to exact sciences with the use of those software applications:
App 1 :word processing
App 2: worksheets and graphics
App 3 : Simple file manipulation
App 4 : Database
App 5 : Documentation database
App 6 : tools for oral presentations
Part 4 - Practical work
Hands on sessions in direct relation to other courses taught in the first year cover some of the following aspects :
- information research: Comparison between study programs of various universities; retrieving specific information for other courses
- Calculations and graphics: analyze data with software
- Lab reports: Using software to present properly a report on some requested topic

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Evaluation of knowledge
Evaluation of competences acquired, on the bases of work realized by students (reports)

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année de bachelier en sciences de l'ingénieur, orientation ingénieur civil architecte
(3 credits)
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Première année de bachelier en sciences chimiques
(3 credits)
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Première année de bachelier en sciences géographiques
(3 credits)
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Première année polyvalente en sciences naturelles- groupe B
(3 credits)
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