This course is a reflexion on the foundations and possibilities for an education in the faith for adults.

Main themes
It describes the specific situation of adults today in their diversity. It studies the numerous places where the maturation of their faith takes place, including catechetics and present forms of continuing education. Comparisons with the adult catechetics developed in non-European cultures are also possible.

Content and teaching methods
2002-2003 :
After having determined which traits mark the western "adult" of today, the course will consider the situation of the faith in (post) modern societies. The course insists on the human prerequisites of a good religious education, particularly aptitude to trust, openness to the other and accepting oneself. It then takes up the various procedures involved in Christian education: introduction, instruction, learning, communication, etc. We will pass in review certain official options on the subject before proposing examples of activities in Christian education for group debate.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
without object

Programmes in which this activity is taught
Licence en sciences religieuses (programme de base)
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Diplôme d'études approfondies en théologie
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