The objectives consist of supplying future physicians and psychologists theoretical information and practical training in the field of the psychosomatic diseases. The course especially aims at making students sensitive to the effects of psychism on supervening of some organic symptoms and to the different psychoanalytic psychotherapies for individuals, couples and groups.
Main themes
After an introduction about psychic causality and about pathological and therapeutic effects of the language, the course tackles the question of cures for adults, children, families, couples and groups. The following basic concepts and entities are worked: free association, symbolization, transfer, repetition, conversions, neurotic somatic symptoms (impotence, frigidity, dysmenorrhea, hysterical paralysis, gastrointestinal disorders, psychosocial dwarfing and so on), and some other neurotic disorders (depression, suicidal crisis, hallucinatory neurotic episode, relational anxiety, pathological familial attachment and so forth).
Content and teaching methods
After an introduction about psychic causality and about pathological and therapeutic effects of the language, the course tackles the question of cures for adults, children, families, couples and groups. The following basic concepts and entities are worked: free association, symbolization, transfer, repetition, conversions, neurotic somatic symptoms (impotence, frigidity, dysmenorrhea, hysterical paralysis, gastrointestinal disorders, psychosocial dwarfing and so on), and some other neurotic disorders (depression, suicidal crisis, hallucinatory neurotic episode, relational anxiety, pathological familial attachment and so forth). This course begins at second quarter. In parallel to the study of theoretical texts and concepts, some case studies (statements, discussions of texts and video tapes) help medicine and psychology students to concretely approach the psychotherapeutic process in stake in psychosomatic field.
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
This course begins at second quarter. In parallel to the study of theoretical texts and concepts, some case studies (statements, discussions of texts and video tapes) help medicine and psychology students to concretely approach the psychotherapeutic process in stake in psychosomatic field. The evaluation of the students is based on a personal work on psychosomatic.
Other credits in programs
Licence en sciences psychologiques
(3 credits)
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