- to understand the specificity of the learning processes in educational context.
- to know the neuropsychological and cognitive constraints underlying these processes.
- to know the main models of learning for reading and arithmetics and for transdisciplinarian skills such as the problem solving,...
- to integrate the models of learning and the models of motivation and of emotional processes.
- to use these models in order to understand the interindividual differences and the learning disorders, and to appraise these disorders in order to develope strategies of intervention.

Main themes
- specificity of learning in educational context (didactic relation, didactic transposition, epistemic barrier...)
- models of learning (tackling of the main models of learning and analysis of their implications at school ...)
- representation of the knowledge (working memory, organisation of the knowledge in the long term memory, declarative and procedural knowledge...)
- acquisition of knowledge (acquisition of the propositions and schemes; acquisition of procedural knowledge; learning to learn...)
- transfer and monitoring
- motivation to learn and emotional components of learning
- sexual and cultural differences in the learning processes
- to learn the mathematics (numerical acquisitions; arithmetic operations; dyscalcumia...)

Content and teaching methods
- to understand the specificity of the learning processes in educational context.
- to know the neuropsychological and cognitive constraints underlying these processes.
- to know the main models of learning for reading and arithmetics and for transdisciplinarian skills such as the problem solving,...
- to integrate the models of learning and the models of motivation and of emotional processes.
- to use these models in order to understand the interindividual differences and the learning disorders, and to appraise these disorders in order to develope strategies of intervention.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Lectures with case studies and discussion on the basis of theoretical texts

Programmes in which this activity is taught
Master en linguistique, à finalité approfondie en linguistique générale et appliquée
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Other credits in programs
Master en linguistique, à finalité approfondie en linguistique générale et appliquée
(3 credits)
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Première licence en sciences psychologiques (Psychologie clinique du développement et des apprentissages)
(3 credits)
