- to discover and to learn the use of a choice of tests and questionnaires considered as models in their respective fields: cognitive abilities, personality inventories, vocational counselling, depression... apart from the projective tests.
- critical analysis of the tools in the light of the classical tests theory

Main themes
- Session of introduction to the principles of rating and of interpretation of some tests and questionnaires
- application of these tools and written synthesis of the results (groups of 12 students)

Content and teaching methods
These exercises are presented in a double approach: clinical and psychometrical. They aim to sensitise and familiarise the students with the use of psychometric tools: tests or questionnaires. In this view, the students should become acquainted with the textbook and with the test material before the exercises on the tests. They should thus get knowledge on :
- the theory underlying the construct of the test
- the methodology used to construct the samples
- the statistical analyses carried out and the metrologic qualities of the test (validity, reliability, standardisation, normalisation...)
Factors influencing the execution, the correction and the interpretation of psychometric tools.
The aim is to awake a critical look, to make a careful diagnosis by checking some hypotheses with the administration of the proper test whose interpretation will be further the basis for new hypotheses to test.
In a first step, the students will present the test applied and develop their critical thinking on it.
In a second step, various variables will be discussed such as the manipulation of the answers, the subjectivity in the rating, the halo effect, the Rosenthal effect... the conditions to apply a test during a psychological consultation, the importance to observe the tested subject...

Other credits in programs
Troisième année de bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation (majeure en sciences psychologiques)
(2 credits)
