to conceive activities aimed at teaching psychological and educational sciences, to assess them and to adjust them, as well as to argue the choices referring to the knowledge in human and social sciences (competences 10, 1 and 5 of the official standards)
to plan learning situations, in a reflective and argued way, to assess them and to conceive control modalities (competence 12 of the official standards)
to analyse programs and coaching documents content (competence 3 of the official standards)
to explain epistemological bases of the taught knowledge and one's own representations of psychology and education (competences 4 and 11 of the official standards)

Main themes
To develop teaching sequences (in psychology and educational sciences) allowing secondary schools students to build a significant knowledge and to develop competences (and to argue the choices).
To analyse the content of programs in the field " services to the persons " and of the repositories in order to establish the coherence between the teaching practice and the targeted purposes.
To approach and know better the audience of the secondary education (general, technical and professional).
To analyse various ways of teaching, evaluating and motivating, as well as to define the conditions for their efficacy and their equity.
To analyse in a critical way psychological and educational sciences teaching programs; to explain what can give a sense to the themes tackled and what are the underlying epistemological questions.
To learn and use basic educational concepts, models and theories, which allow one to describe a teaching project and to make its founding explicit.
To think about the societal, ethical and individual stakes of the teaching practice.
To define the many facets of a psychology teacher (teacher, adviser, mentor
) and to analyse tensions between these roles.
All these activities will be organised through varied active methods, linked with other activities of the Aggregation (internship periods, seminars, classes of general didactics

Content and teaching methods
The specific aspects of psychology teching to 15-18 year old youth (secundary school) and to young adults (higher education) will be made explicit. Both content and method will be covered. The various types of students will be distinguished and the functions of psychological knowledge in their training program will be studied. The proposed curricula will be examined concretely through specific situations (from internship experience). Several teaching means and methods will be analyzed, as welle as the effect of their use. Students will be encouraged to articulate objectoves, methods, contents and evaluation modes in a personal psychology teaching project.
Method: Activities will be offered that allow students to develop the above mentioned skills. The stress will be on the practical preparation of lessons psychology teaching modules. Practice will also contribute to develop and form appropriate attitudes.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
This course is spread over two four-month periods.
It must be followed during the first year of registration at the PSP2A program. Before the second four-month period, students are required to have completed at least their first teaching internship (This is a prerequisite for the second part of the course).
The final evaluation will consist in analysing a teaching sequence (experienced during the traineeship), referring to the concepts, models and theories used during the course.

Programmes in which this activity is taught
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (sciences psychologiques et sciences de l'éducation)
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Other credits in programs
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (sciences psychologiques et sciences de l'éducation)
