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Theoretical methods of laser-matter interactions [PHYS2750]
[45h] 6 credits

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Philippe Antoine, Didier Fussen, Bernard Piraux




Second cycle

>> Aims
>> Main themes
>> Programmes in which this activity is taught


A: Laser-matter interaction (22.5-0)
Introduction of the main concepts and different theoretical approaches necessary to study the interaction of an electromagnetic field with a quantum system (atom, molecule, etc.)
B: Spectroscopy of atoms and molecules (22.5-0)
Introduction to spectroscopy, oriented towards spectra of vibration-rotation of molecules, or towards the electronic spectra of atoms and molecules.
C: Theoretical treatments of atomic collisions (22.5-0)
Study of collision processes, particularly those related to astrophysics and controlled thermonuclear fusion.

Main themes

A : Description of the electromagnetic field and interaction Hamiltonian.
perturtive methods (time -dependent and -independent). Non-perturbative methods (Floquet methods, dressed atom, essential states). Coupling of a bound state to a continuum of states.

B : Two possible orientations, presented in alternance :
Vibration-Rotation spectra:
Rovibrational Hamiltonian of polyatomic molecules, the rotation and vibration to any order, vibrational and rotational resonances, rotational and vibration spectra, Stark molecular effect.
Electronic spectra:
Introduction to rovibronic spectroscopy of simple molecules. Quantum defect theory. Feshbach resonances and perturbations in spectra. Predissociation of molecules.

C : Quantum theory of electron-atom scattering (elastic and inelastic collision).
General theory of collisions and theoretical approaches (perturbative methods, "Close-coupling" method, R-matrix)
Heavy particle collisions: semi-classical treatment of excitation, electron transfert, concept of diabatic state, Landau-Zener model, resonances.
Laser assisted collisions.

Programmes in which this activity is taught


Diplôme d'études approfondies en sciences

This site was created in collaboration with ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Person in charge : Jean-Louis Marchand - Information : info@sc.ucl.ac.be
Last update :02/08/2006