Course for Medical Students in final year wishing to practice medicine- This course places the student face to face with certain patients allowing them to experience the practical management necessary to maintain the evocation of enumerated complaints concerning ORL.

Main themes
The following conditions will be approached by considering the intellectual and exploratory paths from the evocation of its complaint by the patient until the therapeutic proposition : otoscopic and endoscopic exam of the middle ear ; facial paralysis; cholesteatoma; the hard-of-hearing child ; vertigo and Menière's disease ; nasal obstruction ; rhinorrhea ; epistaxis ; strategy and antibiotherapy in the ENT field ; emergency ; dysphonia ; dysphagia ; cervical tumefaction ; postoperative care in laryngeal surgery and head and neck emergencies.

Content and teaching methods
Classic oral lecture with audio-visual presentation as teaching aid. This is considered an optional course, in otherwords a complement to the required given course to the third doctorate in medicine.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Magistral course. Illustration by slides and video. Evaluation : personal written work.

Other credits in programs
Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade de docteur en médecine
(1 credits)
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