To teach with the students of 2nd doctorate in medicine the bases of oto-rhino-laryngologic pathology: recall of anatomo-physiology, physiopathological bases, ENT semiology, medical and surgical pathology of ENT sphere.

Main themes
The course is subdivided in 3 parts:
1. OTOLOGY : Anatomy and physiology of the ear, the auditory and vestibular nervous pathways. - Examination of hearing and balance. - Otoscopy. - Pathology of the external ear and the middle ear, more particularly acute and chronic otitises and the otosclerosis. - Pathology of the inner ear. - Rehabilitation of the disorders of hearing. - Retro-labyrinthic pathology. - Pathology of the facial nerve.
2. RHINOLOGY : Anatomy and physiology of the nose and the sinuses. - Clinical examination of the nose and the sinuses. - Traumatic, allergic, infectious, inflammatory and tumoral pathology of the nose and the sinus.
3. LARYNGOLOGY : Anatomy and physiology of the pharynx, the larynx and the neck. Pathology of the pharynx, more particularly chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Techniques of examination of the larynx.
Pathology of the larynx of which dysphonies and benign and malignant lesions of the larynx.
Methodology: lecturing. Illustrations by slides and films video.

Content and teaching methods
Traditional oral teaching with audio-visual aids. The student has a syllabus for the various chapters of the course as well as CD-ROM for the chapter otology.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Written examination.
Syllabi, CD ROM
Framing: residents of ENT department for the practical demonstrations (clinical examination ear-nose-throat) and collaboration of Professors for teaching.
MED23 : Third year of the program leading to the title of doctor of medicine. Obligatory

Other credits in programs
Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade de docteur en médecine
