UCL - Studies

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Respiratory diseases, from diagnosis to treatment [MEDI2108]
[58h] 4 credits

Version française

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Jean-Luc Balligand, Philippe Collard, Luc Delaunois (coord.), Louis Goncette, Patrick Lebecque, Giuseppe Liistro, Eric Marchand, Philippe Noirhomme, Jacques Rahier, Daniel Rodenstein, Yves Sibille, Jean-Paul Trigaux, Olivier Vandenplas, Birgit Weynand




Second cycle

>> Aims
>> Main themes
>> Content and teaching methods
>> Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)


Teaching of elementary bases of pulmonary, pleural and mediastinal pathologies where priority is given to the frequent community diseases in the general practice and to the rarer most serious diseases burdened with high mortality and morbidity and when they must be considered in the differential diagnosis. We include the physiopathological and epidemiological basic notions when they are needed to understand and recognize the respiratory disorders.

Optional aims: complementary notions in lung pathology, general allergology and lung function tests.

Main themes

Lung diseases in adults and children,surgical pathology of the thorax (excluding heart and systemic vessels), pharmacology of lung diseases, radiology and pathology of thoracic disorders.

Content and teaching methods

Master lectures ( 18 x 1h30) with multidisciplinary teachers describing the pathology, epidemiology, clinical aspects, radiology, medical and surgical treatments of the various bronchial, pulmonary, pleural and mediastinal disorders in adults and children including infectious, malignant, vascular, obstructive and restrictive functional disorders and dysfunction of ventilatory control.
Practical courses include anatomy and pathology (9 h), lung function tests (4h), radiological diagnosis (6h).
Obligatory seminars (6h) : drug prescription, tobacco, biological tests in lung diseases.
Optional seminars (4h) must be chosen among 6 particular topics: childhood, emergency, iatrogenic , surgical, allergic and cancer diseases.
Special Pharmacology: bronchodilating, anti-tussive, mucolytic and antihistaminic drugs.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)

Pre-requisite : basic knowledges in anatomy, histology and physiology as acquired during the first cycle..
Evaluation :written tests at the end of the four months term, preparatory works for seminars, clinical test at the end of the year.
Support :laboratories in lung function, pathology and radiology,
Framing team : pneumologists (7),pediatrician (1),surgeon (1),pathologists (2) radiologists (2) pharmacologist (1).

This site was created in collaboration with ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Person in charge : Jean-Louis Marchand - Information : info@md.ucl.ac.be
Last update :02/08/2006