Introduceh students to the specific techniques of mechanical vibrations, via simplified models.
Apply these techniques to important basic applications : suspensions, vibration isolation, measurement devices, vehicles, structures,

Main themes
- Mathematical modelling of discrete and continuous systems, degrees of freedom, (non)linearity, stiffness, damping.
- Eigenvalue problems for discrete and continuous linear systems
- Forced response : frequency response functions, resonance, antiresonance.
- Specific investigation of vibration isolation and measurement devices.

Content and teaching methods
The mathematical models studied follow a gradually increasing complexification, both as regards number of degrees of freedom and physical terms involved. The course is subdivided into three main parts :
- Linear 1-degree-of-freedom systems : undamped free vibrations, harmonic oscillator, damped vibrations, forced vibrations, applications, vibration transmission to foundations, vibration isolation, measurement devices.
- Linear N-degree-of-freedom systems : undamped free vibrations, eigenvalue problem, normal modes of vibration, modal analysis, orthogonality, damped free vibrations, forced vibrations, anti-resonance, vibration absorbers, modal truncation, approximative methods in modal analysis (Rayleigh, Rayleigh-Ritz,
- Continuous systems : eigenvalue problem, boundary conditions, free vibrations of strings, shafts, beams, membranes, plates. Variational approach : approximative methods in modal analysis (Rayleigh, Rayleigh-Ritz,

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prequisites :
Analytical mechanics, applied mathematics.
References :
Meirovitch Analytical Methods in Vibrations
Craig, R.R. Structural Dynamics
Dimaragonas Vibration for Engineers
Geradin, Rixen Vibration Theory

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Première année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil électro-mécanicien (mécatronique)
(5 credits)
Deuxième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil électro-mécanicien (mécatronique)
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(5 credits)
Première année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil mécanicien
(5 credits)
