Analysis of concepts of Physical-Chemistry and Thermodynamics allowing the description of phase transformations, and particularly of solid-state transformations, occuring during the processing and life cycles of industrial metallic materials.

Main themes

Content and teaching methods
- Introduction : the main metallic alloys for engineering applications;
- Metallurgical Thermodynamics : thermodynamic functions and state properties : Ellingham diagrams, thermodynamics properties of solutions : Raoul & Henry laws, regular and non-regular solutions ; activity;
-Phase Diagrams : phase rule; 1-constituant system; typical binary phase diagrams of metallic alloys; introduction to ternary phase diagrams;
- Solid state diffusion : interstitial and self-diffusion; diffusion kinetics; diffusion in substitutional alloys ; diffusion short-cuts; general thermodynamic description.
- Interface thermodynamic : Gibbs model; Laplce equation; measurement of surface and interface energy; relationship between surface energy and melting heat; solid-gas surface and solid-solid interface; orientation angles and coherency; gran growth and precipitation in polycrystals and alloys;
- Solidification : nucleation; segregation; zone refinement; dendritic and cellular growths; continuous casting; structure of welded zones;
- Solid-state transformations : nucleation and growth; isothermal transformation diagrams; recrystallisation; spinodal decomposition; martensitic transformation; applications to steels and aluminium alloys;
Electrochemistry : electrochemistry of aqueous solutions; electrolytic extraction and refinement; application to aluminium and zinc;
- Corrosion : modes of corrosion; galvanic corrosion and passivity; polarysation phenomenon; thermodynamic analysis of the corrosion : Pourbaix diagrams.
One part of the course consists in lectures in relationship with exercises.
The MATR students has also to work in small groups on given topics related to the general framework of the "sustainable development". That means generally the analysis of a given metallic system under several aspects : processing, properties, environment and recycling. This work is presented during seminars for the other students.
Visits of industrial sites are also organised.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)

Other credits in programs
Première année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil en science des matériaux
(7 credits)
Deuxième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil mécanicien
(7 credits)
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Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil mécanicien
(7 credits)
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