- to introduce the students to the diagnosis and treatment of verbal communication disorders resulting from other handicaps and to the treatment of language disorders in subjects with multiple handicaps.
- to present the principles of coordination of the a therapeutical process and show how to coordinate speech therapy with the work of other caregivers: physicians, psychologists, educators, occupational therapists, kinesitherapists, etc.

Main themes
Speech therapy practices (diagnosis and treatment) in cerebral palsied and mentally retarded persons, and with autistic syndromes.
Mental retardation (12H)
Classifications; phonology - syntactico-pragmatic lexicon; principles of intervention : reading and writing problems
Autism (8H)
The organicist - psychogenetic debate about autism; the biological roots; cognitive approach of autism; socialisation; the consequences on language; treatments
Cerebral palsy (8H)
General points and classifications : phonation disorders IMC; global therapy of IMC; therapy of anarthric IMC ; technical support for communication : symbolic systems, systems with linguistic components, computing prostheses.
Multiple handicaps (2H)

Content and teaching methods
Speech therapy practices (diagnosis and caring) in cerebral palsied, in mentally retarded persons, and with autistic syndromes, as well as in other kinds of handicaps (social deprivations, child aphasia, blindness).

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
This course should be in narrow coordination with "Clinics of Speech therapy in handicapped subjects" (B)
A small part of the course will consist of lectures; presentation of cases and demonstration of reeducation methods, videos and visit of institutions.

Programmes in which this activity is taught
Master en linguistique, à finalité approfondie en linguistique générale et appliquée
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Other credits in programs
Master en linguistique, à finalité approfondie en linguistique générale et appliquée
(4 credits)
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Deuxième licence en logopédie (programme commun UCL/ULB)
(4 credits)
