- description of the anatomy and physiology of phonation organs. At the neurological level, the neural track from the Krause cortex up to the peripheral structures is presented. Larynx anatomy is particularly detailed.
- The resonators are presented according to their role in phonation. At the physiological level, the classical theories are detailed to explain the vocal cords vibration.

Main themes
a) larynx anatomy
b) resonators anatomy
c) phonation neural tracks: motor and sensitive
d) larynx physiology: phonation and deglutition
e) vibration theories
f) role of resonators
g) Finck theories
h) Factors influencing phonation
i) Substitution voices

Content and teaching methods
Content : the course will present the anatomy and physiology of the phonation and articulation peripheral and central systems. It will secondary consider the comprehension of the voice and oral language pathology.
The course will also present the theory of the vocal cords vibration; resonators physiology; factors influencing vocal production; voices classification; vowels and consonants formation and combination; regulation of phonation and substitution voices.
Method : students participation according to GSF reform from notes, computer presentations, CD-roms and internet.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
This course is a prerequisite for the teachings on phoniatry and on orthophonic technics to treat dysphonies.
Written examination with open questions.
Lectures - videos - computer presentations
