To enable 2nd cycle students to broaden their knowledge within the specific field of surgical pathology of the digestive tract in subjects briefly introduced, as well as those not broached at all, during the compulsory courses, which focused primarily on the vital and the essential. This optional course, which is one of the range of options on offer, will serve to boost the competence of both general practitioners, since digestive pathology plays a considerable role in general practice, and students specializing in medical or surgical gastroenterology. The two following approaches will be emphasized: 1) The integrated diagnostic approach (clinical, paraclinical and differential diagnosis steps); 2) The surgical therapeutic approach: -algorithm pointing to a surgical indication, -selection of appropriate surgical intervention. This course will hinge upon a theoretical study framework. It may be pursued, in part, in the form of supervised autonomous learning, with each group completing several hours of study on the basis of a literature review, for example.

Main themes
This dual diagnostic and therapeutic surgical approach will be applied and developed in the following specific domains: 1. Management of gastro-oesophageal reflux: surgical indications and treatment modalities. 2. Management of dysphagia: surgical indications and treatment modalities. 3. Surgical indications and treatment modalities in case of stomach tumours.
4. Gastroduodenal ulcers: course of action in emergency situations (perforation, haemorrhage) and in the presence of chronic ulcerative disease. 5. Emergencies in oesophageal surgery: diagnosis and treatment of oesophageal ruptures, perforations and caustic burns. 6. Diagnostic steps and therapeutic medico-surgical algorithms in case of hepatic tumours,
7. - biliary tract stone disease, 8. - obstructive jaundice, 9. - pancreatitis and 10. - biliopancreatic tumours. 11. Diagnostic and therapeutic approach in case of intestinal polyposis: differential diagnosis and therapeutic options; surgical alternatives; indications, advantages and disadvantages of total coloproctectomy with ileoanal anastomosis. 12. Perspectives on the diagnosis and specific characteristics of therapeutic colorectal cancer surgery in the light of developments in the field of molecular genetics. 13. Approach and diagnosis in case of inflammatory disease of the colon and emergency and elective therapeutic medico-surgical management; priciples of surgery in Crohn's disease; indications, advantages and disadvantages of ileoanal anastomosis in ulcero-haemorrhagic proctocolitis. 14. Global approach to the challenge of creating an abdominal stoma in colorectal surgery.

Content and teaching methods
Medical and surgical aspects of digestive surgery : detailed course.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Includes the following: Role of the surgeon and stoma therapist in the psychological preparation of the patient. Complications of ileostomy and colostomy. Selection of appropriate equipment. 15. Investigation of anorectal function, differential aetiological diagnosis and current surgical options in case of total rectal prolapse and anorectal continence disorders. Courses designed for 2nd cycle students, starting from the 2nd quadrimester of the 1st year doctorate. // Optional courses of 15 hours, divided into three 5-hour sessions, covering the three following areas: oesophagogastric surgery, hepato-bilio-pancreatic surgery and surgery of the colon, rectum and anus.

Other credits in programs
Première année du programme conduisant au grade de docteur en médecine
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Deuxième année du programme conduisant au grade de docteur en médecine
(1 credits)
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Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade de docteur en médecine
(1 credits)
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