Presentation and critical discussion of theories and/or issues relating to public sector management or administrative science. Theme chosen for 2001 2002: 'Public services: liberalisation of the markets and transformation of historical operators'.
Preparation for dissertation: learning to identify a subject, choose a methodological
approach, putting together a bibliographical note, and articulating arguments clearly.
Learning about group communications and the constructive criticism of work.

Main themes
Introduction to theoretical approaches in respect of liberalisation, privatisation and
the regulation of public services.
Preparation by each student of a case study looking at the growth of a historical
operator (e.g. Belgacom and the Post Office (La Poste)) operating in each of the sectors under
examination (e.g. telecommunications and the postal service), and using an analytical grid provided by teaching staff.
Presentation of, and discussion on, each report in the presence of an invited expert.

Content and teaching methods
Each piece of work consists of a case study on the transformation of a historical
operation on a particular public service network in any country. The case study will be structured around the following main points that embrace one of the historical operator's sequential development logic:
1. historical development of the sector (economic and social issues, political actors,
operators, and technological developments) and institutionalisation of the historical operator (the public sector enterprise's monopoly on the market);
2. factors in changing opinions on the liberalisation of the sector and/or on privatisation of the historical operator (technological, economic and political factors); underlining the role
of European Union policy as a factor of change;
3. organisational transformation of the historical operator (change in legal status,
management/delivery contract, changes in the financial situation, missions/obligations in
respect of service for all);
4. a personal appreciation of the transformations observed in the sector under

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
All students will be assessed when making their oral presentations (20%), on their written
Reports (40%), on their role as 'devil's advocate' ('contradicteur') (20%) and on their participation in sessions (20%). Syllabus and bibliographical support to be provided by staff. Assistant: Isabelle de Lovinfosse.

Programmes in which this activity is taught
Master en sciences politiques, orientation générale (option affaires publiques)
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Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en sciences politiques (Affaires publiques)
(5 credits)
Master en sciences politiques, orientation générale (option affaires publiques)
(5 credits)
