Students will be able to carry out a critical and constructive analysis of interactions between foreign policy and humanitarian aid.
Main themes
An analysis of complex political-humanitarian-military-media-commercial relations.
An analysis of the role of states, international organisations and non-governmental organisations.
Content and teaching methods
This course will focus on an analysis of the various aspects of relationships between the foreign policies of states and the dynamic of humanitarian aid. To this end, there will be an examination of the politico-diplomatic dimensions of the basic "political-military-humanitarian" triangle, and of matters relating to the media and trade. The analysis will also look at questions relating to the ambiguity of the issue of humanitarian aid in the context of the foreign policies of states and the action of international organisations working alongside non-governmental organisations. Reflection will be achieved through putting the general issue of humanitarian actions into perspective with the help of substantive cases.
Preliminary expositions by the teacher on the general issue, followed by debates. Expositions by groups of students on specific subjects, followed by debates. This will be the basis of a written report by each group of students.
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Pre-requirements: A basic knowledge of international relations, geopolitics and humanitarian issues.
An oral exposition and a written report.
Recommended reading: P. de Senarclens, 1999, "L'humanitaire en catastrophe", Presses de Sciences Po, Paris; J. Moore (ed.), 1999, "Des choix difficiles. Les dilemmes moraux de l'humanitaire", Gallimard, Paris.
This seminar is associated with the "Geopolitics" and "Geopolitics of conflicts and humanitarian aid" courses.
Programmes in which this activity is taught
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en actions humanitaires internationales
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Diplôme d'études approfondies en sciences politiques et sociales (relations internationales)
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Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en actions humanitaires internationales
(2 credits)
Diplôme d'études approfondies en sciences politiques et sociales (relations internationales)
(2 credits)
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