By the end of the course, students will be able to : formulate, organize, evaluate and regulate teaching and learning activities in history.

Main themes
These themes concern the teaching of history such it's defined in the curricula of the Communauté française de Belgique.
- which are the objectives of history teaching in secundary schools of the frech part of Belgium : analyse of curricula
- how elaborate learning activities in the perspective of teaching competences
- how regulate learning activities in the perspective of teaching competences
- how evaluate learning activities in the perspective of teaching competences

Content and teaching methods
The course is comprised of theoretical lectures, analyse of exemples of lessons and practical exercices.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The seminar is organized in relation with the internships and presupposes attendance at the course HIST2313.
Assessment will be based on a writen examination during which the students have to analyse lessons proposed by the teacher. Criteria for this final exam will be clearly defined by the teacher and made explicit for the students.
Course Materials
Course notes
Books of reference :
- J.-L. JADOULLE, M.BOUHON, Développer des compétences en classe d'histoire, (Coll.Apprendre l'histoire?,n°3), Louvain-la-Neuve, Unité de didactiqueet de communication en histoire,2001.
- M.BOUHON et C.DAMBROISE, Evaluer des compétences en classe d'histoire, (Coll. Apprendre l'histoire?,n°4), Louvain-la-Neuve,Unité de didactique et de communication en histoire, 2002.
- J.-L. JADOULLE, M.BOUHON et A.NYS, Conceptualiser le passé pour comprendre le présent. Conceptualisation et pédagogie de l'intégration en classe d'histoire, (Coll. Apprendre l'histoire ?, n°7), Louvain-la-Neuve, Unité de didactique et de communication en histoire, 2004.
Course Holder/ Supervision
The seminar is held by the field-specific didactics lecturer. The seminar also makes recourse to the pedagogical collaboration of practitioners in the field.

Programmes in which this activity is taught
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (histoire)
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Other credits in programs
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (histoire)
(12 credits)
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