By the end of this course, students should have: 1) extended and improved their knowledge of classical Greek acquired during their first two years of study (BAC 1-2), specifically by comparing the syntax used by different classical Greek writers in a range of different texts ; 2) gained active mastery of the Attic Greek language ; 3) become familiar with literary Ionian and Koine.

Main themes
1) The language of different Attic Greek authors (prose writers and poets) will be compared systematically.
2) The grammar of Attic, Ionian and Koine Greek will be compared and contrasted.
3) Translations of Attic texts accompanied by stylistic and linguistic commentary.
4) Regular translations from and into French.

Content and teaching methods
The aim of the course is to extend and improve students' knowledge of Greek acquired in the first two years (BAC 1 - 2). There are four course components: 1) Lectures on the theory of use of particles, Ionian, Koine, contrastive grammar of Attic writers. 2) Comparative text analysis of classical Greek authors. 3) Practical exercises (students will translate Attic Greek texts which are analysed for their stylistic and linguistic features). 4) Personal work (reading, translation to and from French).

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Course entry requirements: BAC 2 (GLOR 1271 Greek Language I).
Evaluation: continuous assessment throughout the year (personal work). There is an examination with oral and written components.
Course material: A.Cheyns, Vocabulaire (forthcoming). Y. Duhoux, Éléments d'accentuation grecque (course manual). Ch. Van de Vorst, Grammaire grecque élémentaire, Liège, 1958(13).

Other credits in programs
Troisième année de bachelier en langues et littératures anciennes, orientation classiques
(6 credits)
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Troisième année de bachelier en langues et littératures anciennes, orientation orientales
(6 credits)
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